Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hold up!

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And will present at least one reasonably coherent post about what's happened in BF recently.

First, the library {dramatic music here}: well, now that three of the stupid, problematic, ready-to-be-kicked-by-yours-truly-but-surprisingly-haven't Gates computers have stopped working completely we're getting three new computers. And the library is going to be a wireless hotspot (if all goes well, I'll be installing the wireless system next week - WOOT! Just waiting for board approval) Of course, the death of the computers was expected; they are going into 6 years of use exclusively by the Public (and despite what Public thinks, it does not know how to use a computer). Windows Operating stable as a troubled child on crack.

Anime has moved to Monday and you missed my free-for-all giveaway last week (a bunch of the DVDs, old Newtypes, some manga I had on hand, posters, artwork) - but don't fret, I saved you a DBZ button. {hehehehehe} We watched Fruits Basket - tis better than the manga; it's way funnier. Good news though: since we got it through the Funimation thingie, it's now part of the permanent collection.

The library is lost without you. Our schedules are all over the place and as soon as school starts we hope to hire a few new interns to replace you and Myles. *sniff*

D&D makes me sad - a bit. I've got a new group. They're very different. But they are letting Allegra actually play a character. Speaking of Allegra - know how my hair is blue/purple? Her hair is pink (it fits - shocking, I'm sure).

March of the Penguins - we saw, we cried OMG DON'T EAT THE MOTHER!! Wildlife never listens.

Archie and Sheena brought Stormy by to show off his ability to sit on demand (when fed a small electric charge) *twitch* Ross talked about how Stormy has been chasing people that bike by his house, and said that perhaps they should just outfit the animal in an "I heart bikes" sweater. I suggested that, with a giant dog chasing them, the bikers may not get the joke.

Oh well, it's Saturday morning. I think this is about as reasonable a post as you'll get out of me right now. I'll keep checking in and seeing how it's all going.


What I'm reading: Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress
Beauty Tips from Moosejaw

What I'm watching: Sky High (don't judge - it's playing downtown)
The Oblongs (previewing before I show it for an anime...right...yeah......ok, fine it cracks me up)


Blogger Me said...

oh...we miss you too Sam. but hey you want to hear something cool in my FYS today i met a guy (well actually not met but saw) who was carying arround an Eberon book i was so shocked, because A he is totaly hot, and B because that i thought would be an icebreaker. but sadly when i went to talk to him he just seemed afraid of me. oh crule world I think Ill go hang myslef.

see you later

4:28 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Bummer! And the world of Eberron can give you such great lines like: "Wanna come back to my dorm and check out my dragonmark?" or I don't know....actually, several cheesy Eberron-inspired pick-up lines are going through my head, so I'm going to leave them there and not point out my own essential geekiness by repeating them or yours when I know that you will get the joke.

Jay thinks you just took him by surprise and suggests that you try again. He also said: "next time use your action points." *groan*

9:48 PM  
Blogger Me said...

next time i think i will have too but till then...this guy matt in my class is equaly hot and although i dont know much about him he actualy talked to me and i had to keep myself from drooling *meh* he plays some sports and laughs a lot sadly though I think he has a girlfriend, which seems to be a trend in the men that i meet. sadness
gtg soundings is in like 10 min. and i dont want my sos to kill me

10:45 AM  

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