Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You know you want it

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Download the celebtastic mp3 of "Soramimi Cake" - the opening to Azumanga Diaoh (didn't direct-link to the download, you'll find it on the page though). While you're at it, why not pick up the happiness of "Raspberry Heaven" - the ending song to Azumanga Daioh.

Always up for a little useless geek-trivia I now present for the first (and quite possibly last) time:

Geek tips (insert trumpets' resounding call here)

what a THAC0 is

THAC0 is an acronym for "To Hit Armor Class 0" from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Lower THAC0 is better! THAC0 is the MINIMUM roll you need to be able to hit an enemy with an armor class (AC) of 0 ( yes, lower armor class is also better as discussed above ). You must score a hit before you can do any damage! When you attack an enemy, you SUBTRACT his AC from your THAC0 and the result is the minimum number you have to roll (on a 20-sided die) to be able to score a hit.

What I'm reading: The Traveler (Do not believe the hype - this one should have skipped book form and gone straight to movie - massive suckage. One should give a wide birth to anything promoted in such blatant hyperbolic terms. .....and I expected to like this one.)

What I'm watching: Revolutionary Girl Utena


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