Friday, August 25, 2006

Bad Advice Bear

Well, here I am. Sitting at the desk at the library. I've been working steadily since 5 clearing up and out my desk for next week when I finally take a week away from the library for a bit of relaxing and taking it easy and regenerating. *sigh* I am really looking forward to it!

In the meantime, I'm listening in to the DM game at the library. DM, of course, being the Dungeon Masters, aka the brave, creative, thoughtful individuals that come up with the games that the rest of the players enjoy every other week. In my own game, my character enjoys encouraging other players to do inevitably bad things for her own chaotic-neutral amusement (not seriously bad, just mildly-grazed-bad). Hence a nickname Jess gave me (based in Avenue Q) the Bad Advice Bear. I've found myself listening to the DM game and thinking of what my character would suggest to help liven things up over there. I mean, they're so serious. They really could use a little bad advice. On the other hand, Jay is the DMs' DM and I don't think he could take me in another group of his without suffering a breakdown.

They're pretending to be pirates - it's so cute.

Earlier in the week I made Jay watch Donnie Darko. I so heart this movie - I also recommend this website whether or not you've seen the movie; if you've seen it you'll remember parts fondly if you haven't hopefully you'll be intrigued enough to seek it out on your own.


Blogger Leah said...

The DMs are amusing!

I wih it had been a normal I could have gone and hung out with everyone.

I'm leaving for school tomorrow.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

You are *suc* a bad advice bear. Give 'em a few jabs for me. <3

11:49 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I hope your return to school goes well, Leah! I think the other players wish it was a regular game too - they won't have one of those for another week. :)

Apparently not actually "playing in their game" means I'm not allowed to influence the story. They're such strict little geeks.

3:04 PM  

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