Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random Tuesday

It's been awhile. I'm not entirely sure how that happened, but there you go. Somehow the summer appears to have suddenly appeared - and where was I? Oh yeah, I was busy. The summer reading program is planned (woot!), school visits have - more or less - been made, AnimeBoston is over (that was awesome), Allegra is now a middle schooler (?!?!?), and everything is well under control.

I'm not really in the mood for a long update, so back to what I enjoy doing - links of fun and distraction! Besides, I've got a ton of tabs open and I might as well do something with 'em.

That Craigslist, sometimes it is just funny.

Which reminds me (no, I don't know why) the D&D short film - any of you still game?

Who likes Spock? More stuff you never saw on Star Trek.

I don't really want to say who this silly little "stress-thing" made me think of. No. I'm pretty sure you will all guess anyway. It's that last line.....
The Day after tomorrow: The following flyers were made to handout at the premiere of the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow," but it's never to late to spread the propaganda of EvilConservatives.Com. Download our PDF flyers and then print out a 100 copies or so and hand them out at the movies or at your local John Kerry rally. When you attend these events beware that there might be some hippies there as well handing out 'pro-environmental' material, we recommend staying away from these people as they are often unwashed and many have body lice. Do your part for Corporate America, Evil Conservatives everywhere are counting on you.

Awwwwww, it's a cute kittah!

Ninjas around the house. Speaking of ninjas (and weird segues that make no sense outside of my own head....) at AnimeBoston they gave out free copies of World of Warcraft with a 14 day free pass. Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too.

This page should come with a warning - critical cuteness factor reached.

What I want to know is: did the "Sofa King" ad people read their slogan out loud before they greenlit it?And to end this random morning (I have to go to work now) a fun game I've posted many times. Nanaca Crash!


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