Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I've got a theme!

Today's post is brought to by the letters W.O.W.

World of Warcraft has been the game of choice for a little while, replacing that increasingly boring and frustrating game that was Star Wars Galaxies (the last game revision pretty much made me and Jay decide to leave that game). No, WoW has not taken over my life (like some other people we know...), it has, however, become a fun distraction.

Because of it's popularity, it is not too surprising that a number of videos, spoofs, and cartoons have been developed. Don't click away from here yet! Even though you may not have played WoW, you may still find humor in a lot of these links.

Like this one - the WoW world sings Avenue Q's "The Internet is for Porn", which is hilarious, and well, has one brief shot at the end that suggests the lineage of the Tauren (a WoW character that is part bull part human...).

Or these two funny "switch" commercials. Perhaps you're familiar with the PC to Apple Switch commercials? This is a spoof on that, switching from Alliance (the good guys - humans, night elves, gnomes, etc.) to the Horde (undead, Orcs, Tuarens, trolls). Although it is way funnier if you know the details of the game to get all the jokes - I think both of these are pretty darn funny without knowing much except that bit about the Horde and the Alliance. So, one switch commercial for Human Men and another for Human Women.

Yes, the poor female character from that last video is doing the Macarena. You see, each type of character has its own special dance (male night elves have Michael Jackson moves). All these dances mean that a special spoof is in order and it needs to expense at those Alliance dancers, so here is "I'm too sexy". One of my characters is a female night elf, after seeing that video I'm sure you'll understand why I don't type /dance when I play her.

But it's not all dance! This cleverly choreographed video of "Just My Imagination" shows what some of the players are capable of. Not to mention, I just love this song. I recommend this one - it's really sweet!

And it's not all music, in this funny one, WoW takes on a scene from Fight Club. (Minor language warning on this one, but if you've seen the movie, then you won't be surprised.)

Of course, there are the various WoW spoofs on other areas of popular fantasy, like this item, The One Ring.

Those brilliant fundamentalist parody writers over at Landover Baptist have also touched on WoW with "Winning Souls to Christ in the World of Warcraft".

Every one needs a good song parody - here is the Battle Hymn of WoW.

And finally, because I think this is classic and a great song: The Gamer's Love Song.


Blogger Myles said...

I know this is from your last post but I absolutely love Marvels. I definetly want to check that out next time I'm down - is it going into the library collection?

I don't know about WoW, it looks fun but I'm still waiting for Diablo III to come out, in about 40 years. Also, that gif of the guy getting squashed makes me want to play Black and White again.

2:19 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

oh, and I still need to contact you about the library job, I'm terrible at that. But I am interested.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Other people: take the food wuiz from Sam's last post...I'm curious about what other people are...and I appologize for being sooo demanding.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

I took that quiz. I am also bread.

I have just one question: When did you put up the google ad on your site? Or is it only my computer?

8:59 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Last night, I was just hanging out with lappy doing random computer things and came across the "make money with your blog" and thought, 'ah, what the heck'. So, then I added it - I can always take it off, and I don't mind the Red Cross promo.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Yay for the Red Cross. Bloods of loves.

1:51 PM  

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