Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fun (with a big F)

Links of goodness, fun, and distraction are in order.

The Godfrogger.

Honestly, I'm not quite sure what this is about, but the music is nifty and I want an Apple-looking-robot!!

Soooo, yeeeeeah, I really, um, like Office Space. It's a, uhh, very. cool. movie. (And if you've seen it this line makes sense, and is amusing)

This poor dog makes one wonder. Maybe he's schizophrenic and that back leg is talking to him (I'm probably revealing how very little I actually know about schizophrenia with that line, but there you go, it was the best I had.)

Animal Farm gets a shiny, new, animated look for today's pigs - I mean, people. Plus, "Mr. Sandman, gets a weird techno re-write.

Play Blueprint - another fun little puzzle little game.

Enjoy this uber-cute, anime-ish flick about a one-eyed girl and a one-armed boy named Joan and Mark saving the day .

It's true. It is a fish eat fish world. Just eat enough to get bigger so you can eat the other fish.

Who wouldn't want a purse made out of seatbelts?

And that's about all the fun I can handle this morning. The good news is I can turn my head again - but my neck feels all weird and tender. Ouch!


Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Now all I need to do is find some seat belts.

12:15 AM  
Blogger Me said...

I shall have to explore these very soon... when I have time.

11:37 AM  

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