Thursday, April 06, 2006

wee bit of stress

(actually posted yesterday, but because of scheduled downtime, is up today)

Interesting: there I was reading Neil Gaiman’s blog this morning when I came upon his list of questions he answered
and in it when he’s asked about dislikes in other people he mentions something that has become a HUGE issue in a certain daily part of my life. I’ll just quote directly, because he says it all:

5. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

The conviction that they're right - and the way that justifies their treatment of others.

Wow -he has a very good point right there. Because I have been so fed up with the behavior of someone that I need to deal with nearly every day for this exact reason; she’s so caught up in her being right and absolute that she thinks she has this right to be mean, abusive, and just bully everyone else to giving in to her way as the only way. And she is just vicious and mean and low and insulting and seems to be of the opinion that it’s everyone else’s fault that she behaves this way. Even more frustrating is that it’s like being in an abusive relationship because everything is completely different when someone is watching – so different in fact that there are people who believe she is wonderful and sweet and innocent and not the vitriol spewing demon when no one else is looking.

Alright, venting over and done with, more or less. The good news is that it is looking like I’m not going to need to deal with her much longer – she appears to be purposefully removing herself from the scene. If she needs to call us the dysfunctional ones to do it, then all the more power to us – I don’t have a problem with being called a name that doesn’t actually describe me if it means she’s out of the picture. I think, mostly, she needs to continue feeling like the victim in yet another drama in her life – god forbid she recognize her role as the bad guy. So, yeah, she shall be leaving I hope, I hope, I hope! Because good lord I can't take the stress of another day like today!! Normally I can deal with stress, but since this afternoon I realize that I've been carrying the stress in my neck, how do I know this? Because I can't turn my head right now.

In other news, I’ll be in Albany next week for a fun presentation which should be very cool and interesting, and I’m really looking forward to it. It shall be awesome (and, as much as I really love what I do) it will be far, far away from the library for a few days.

Plus Jay and I went to a fabulous sushi restaurant tonight in Marlboro, NH - just about 10 minutes out of Keene - and it is yummy!! They've got the best dragon roll I've had in the northeast (outside of NYC). I HIGHLY recommend this place, it's called Lee's and Mt. Fuji Oriental Cuisine (or something like that anyway). While we were out we stopped at Target and picked up some spring clothes for me and Allegra that we needed, and Jay found a Monty Python t-shirt so his day is actually complete. So, some happy sushi therapy and a fun new outfit to end the day with.

What I'm reading: Books on adolescent development and marketing - and in one book, both subjects meshed together. I don't recommend them much, most of them have the same effect as banging your head against a table (as those of you also reading dry, dry textbooks can attest to). But I'm researching a few things for my presentation.

What I'm Watching: We have discovered Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken is hilarious. Robot Chicken is dated - clearly the creators are my age and a little older because that's the kind of thing that they reference and OMG!!!! it is funny. Plus it is on DVD.

Also, Tripping the Rift is out on DVD. I don't recommend that for everyone, but I think it's hilarious in it's own perfectly rude CGI way.


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