Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I poke badgers with spoons

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Yes, yes happy valentines day, chocolate penguins ( yay Burdick's!!), a dozen roses (yay, Jay!!), and a school full of kids fresh from the Valentine's Day classroom parties, hopped up on sugar, twitching around the library. Yup, gotta love the holidays. I guess.

So, it's a bit before ten now and I'm awake, and kind of wired (ok, perhaps eating three chocolate penguins was not my best move), and as I'm finding all of these excellent fun links that I'm planning on blogging later. I though, 'oh what the hell', and am speeding things up by blogging them now. Why am I doing this, you might wonder, instead of something productive? Well, I decided that the universe has been sending me signals to take a break and goof off. I thought I should listen (i.e., I'm procrastinating. I'm sure none of you can relate).

Plus, guess what time it is! It's time for the annual Teen Advisory Council Book Fair!! YAYAAY....we ended up not being able to get the Curious George costume, so we're Clifford again. And this year, profits go towards the anime group's trip to Anime Boston in May (a lot less people - hell, at this point, it's going to be a small group, ticket money is due by Saturday if they're going at all), but three days long, so most of the fund-raising is paying for 2 nights at a hotel in Boston, food, and basic transportation (the T).

Best game of Pong. Ever.

Best Microsoft ad. Ever. (Of course they've never used it)

Super funny, yet rather inappropriate song. Yeah, I laughed. What about it?

I spy fun! Can you spot the 15 wolves hiding in this picture? I mean 14, yeah, 14 (sheesh, should have read it first)

"All Your Base Are Belong to Us" set to Calvin and Hobbes......why, yes, you're right. It is wrong. Plain wrong.

A fun little mouse game.

Go on. Poke the Penguin. Pooooooke it...keep poking. Whoa! What was that? Ok, poke it again. See if what happens.

Oh yeah, and don't press the big red button.

This was kind of funny. At first. Then I started thinking of the pain and permanent damage. I couldn't actually finish it, and apparently some of my gasps were a bit much. But, ack!!! I hope never to be in any of these videos.

Make sand art on the internet. Nifty!

Did you know that people photocopying their butts is the cause of 23% of all copier errors worldwide? Yeah, I didn't either. And I don't know if it's true, and I don't feel like looking it up. You can find more stuff like that here.

And, well, that about does it. I've managed to tire myself of the internet for an evening. Back again later with more. Include the ton of books I've read since the last time I did a review. Oh man....that may end up being a huge post by itself.


Blogger Me said...

Best Add EVER!!!!!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

I liked particularly the mouse game.... shouldn't be addicted, but I am.... playing it now, just finished level five- grr... that was evil level...

9:44 AM  

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