Tuesday, December 20, 2005

a little of this and a little of that

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It's the ChroniWhat?!?cles of Narnia.

I'm procrastinating this morning. It's just about 8:00 and I really should be going in very soon because I need to do a lot of work to prepare the craft for this morning. I need to do some hot glue-gun work - oh, it's a happy day when I can start with the smell of melted adhesive and burnt fingertips.

The bad news: my headache is back, I mean back along with everything else...bummer. I'll be calling the doctor today.

In other bad news: this. I wasn't able to go to the meeting last night - although I had planned to, I couldn't because I forgot about a commitment with Allegra's Girl Scout troop, and, well, one cannot tell a group of girls that one is cancelling their Troop's Christmas Party simply because one needs to go to a meeting. Imagine what it might look like if the government actually funded No Child Left Behind - last year Vermont would have received $27 million in K-12 education funds for these projects that they are federally mandated to adhere to. The breakdown: Vermont did not get $27 million in public school funding last year promised by Congress and the President, including $16 million for extra academic support for low-income students, $4 million for critical after-school programs, and $2 million to raise teacher quality.

Ok, enough of that for one day.

Why not spend a little time thinking about thinking, critical thinking.

And finally, a cross-platform software program that delivers uniformly regardless of technical know-how and does EXACTLY what it promises (don't let the big words scare you, this is worth peeking at).

Oh, I laughed, this writer is hilarious; might be kind of a fun writing exercise to try myself.

I read through this photo-story thinking, 'wait a minute, I know a number of people capable of this kind of funny - why didn't they do this?'. And then I remembered the D&D Short Film project that several of us chatted about. Maybe we should do the short film in photo/caption form......hmmmm, Laurel will have to bring her own copy of Mein Kampf.

And finally a fun little mouse game.

And let's just skip What I've Watched and What I've Read because quite honestly, my head hurts too damn much right now to read or watch anything. Hell, thinking is a struggle lately.


Blogger Myles said...

have you seen Chronicles of Narnia yet? It was brilliant!

I really really mean it this time when I say I'm going to come in. I've been to long without a die in my hand :(

Merry Christmas Sam

1:22 PM  

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