Thursday, November 17, 2005


The first round of auditions last night went ever so well! We had women show up that I had never met before. It was a smaller group than I think we'll see on Sunday's auditions, which I expect to be packed.

Other than that, not much newsworthy has been going on. I contacted Vermont Pubic Radio about the Under Milk Wood radio performance and am going to see about getting the performance broadcast there as well (wouldn't that be cool!!).

The library is as fun as ever - I'm glad to be back there AND downstairs! Just a heads-up for those visiting from college during Thanksgiving: there is no D&D the Friday after Thanksgiving. Instead we (Jay, Me, Allegra) and Joe and Sam are going to go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Clearasil on IMAX - yayay!!

So, since that's all I really have to share, how about some fun diversions:

Do I really have the knowledge to evaluate this argument? No. Am I going to suddenly get interested and start looking things up. Naaaah. Regardless, I've heard that quote so many times - you know the one: "people only use 10% of their brains" that I, too, had accepted it as fact. Reading something like this makes me think that I should evaluate that "fact" a little more closely. Besides, who would really want a fully realized brain? I mean, having to be aware of each muscle, nerve, twitch, cellular respiration, heart beating.....nope, give me a good brain with a decent filter any day.

The makers of the Librarian Action Figure and the Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure now bring you: The Avenging Unicorn Play Set. WTF??? Lest you think it's all dark and morbid, they do also offer the Jane Austen action figure (c'mon, you strongly suspect that you would indeed enjoy such a thing).

This bouncing ball game is rather amusing....and time consuming.

Short stories online - cool! Speaking of stories, I'm about 24000 words into my novel - I'm feeling quite proud of myself even if there's no way I would let anyone read it in the shape it's in right now, which is why it's not on the NaNoWriMo website...I just can't bring myself to put it there where it could be read until it's a bit more polished. Oh well, I know what I've done!
Once upon a time, in a part of the house where grownups rarely visited, there was the Land of the Stuffed Animals.

It was a happy place where all the animals got along (as their hearts were as plush as the rest of them).
And so begins The Tale of the Plush Cthulu. This is really, really funny if you're a Lovecraft fan or just want to impress the geek next to you.

The cheap way to burn games and DVDs with copy protection (no, don't actually do this *sheesh*).

Bad Cookie - giving fortune cookies a bad name.

Yes, it's true, I am enough of a geek that I get the jokes and think this Matrix spoof is quite funny. Speaking of The Matrix...only 2 good things came out of that mess (IMHO!), the first Matrix movie and the Animatrix, which you can now watch the first part of here.

A little comedy. Go on, you need the funny!

What I'm Reading: Well, I had an order with some new graphic novels come in, so that's what I've been reading.

First Spiral-Bound, a new graphic novel perfect for younger readers (about Allegra's age) that I just loved. The story follows a group of characters through one summer as they each go to camp, get a job, and/or try something new. Turnip, the elephant, goes to an art camp where he learns that he is a wonderful artist. Anyway, the whole story is tied up in the abandoned pond where a supposed monster lives. One of the friends finds herself writing for the underground (quite literally) newspaper and right smack in the center of the mystery of the monster. The story is sweet, and nice, and interesting, and different. The artwork is rather good. All in all - I'm pleased to have this book in the collection.

Next, Queen Bee, another entry in the "Mean Girls" genre. Haley was tired of being unpopular at school, so when her mother got a new job and they moved away she reinvented herself for her new school, where she becomes the most popular, despised, and generally lousy person. Then someone else shows up (plot thins here as its clearly her sister separated at birth), dethrones her, fighting ensues, then she realizes she doesn't want to be that person. The one twist: she has psychokinetic powers - as it turns out, so does the girl that that shows up. The artwork looks straight off of the Disney channel. The plot is thin, old, and tired. However, the middle school clique is a popular genre right now and I think lots of the "tween" girls will really like this one.

What I'm Watching: NieA Under 7 HOLY HELL THIS ANIME IS HYPER!!! I mean, hyper-hyper!! It tries to be cute and interesting, but c'mon who hasn't had an alien living in their closet making UFOs out of trash? Ok, it's funny enough, but meh. I wasn't in the mood for it.

I missed Madagascar when it was in the theaters, but I'm glad I caught it now. What a cute movie - and rather interesting how they managed to take the Tex Avery style of cartooning and translate that in a 3-D setting.


Blogger Me said...

the unicorn costs more I noticed, but its just because you have the 3 other horn attachments for alternate forms of mutilation. I love the mime.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Laurel said...

I love the cthulu thing. that's going on my OED class word list.

i think everyone needs a jane austen action figure!

1:36 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

Congrats on your progress with the novel, I'm a little short of 19,000 words but it's dragging so badly. I have an excerpt on the site...but it's bad. As is the rest. But its good getting stuff on paper. I think I'll write some more tonight...if I can think of a way to save it.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Wow- I feel like such a slacker, I've barely hit 9,500 words- though it may be because I like the random bits of my story. It may actually be more than that because of the footnotes- the word counter doesn't count the footnotes.

The End


11:37 AM  
Blogger Laurel said...

footnotes in a novel? what are you writing jess? it better not be another supplies of the oregon trail!

6:11 PM  
Blogger Me said...



11:41 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Backstory please! :)

9:44 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Jess-As I said, your novel sounds like The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy...

1:31 PM  

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