Wednesday, November 09, 2005

you've got a plum on your back

Vacation is going along wonderfully! I'm doing all sorts of things that I don't usually get to do, like lie about the house, remain completely useless, reading, writing, knitting, watching movies; I realized that I've watched Office Space about 3 times since last Saturday - I love that movie. I actually got dressed today. So, yeah, vacation is sitting well with me. It's now Wednesday and I felt the first stirrings of "I'm kind of bored", so I think by next Monday I'll be ready to roll back in to work.

The novel writing continues. I stopped writing on the computer, because I tend to get distracted, send a few emails, and next thing I know I'm on Star Wars Galaxies killing fuzzy animals on Kashyyyk. So now I've got the giant bound journal-type book out and am writing down in the book. It works well for me, because then I can start seriously editing when I type it into the computer.

Obviously, that's not what I'm doing now. Instead I decided to pop on, say hi, give a mini-update from the great slacker, and a few amusing distractions.

My reaction to this was wtf? Apparently you click on stuff to make other stuff happen and then you get to lists of stuff. Neat lay-out if completely incomprehensible.

It turns out that my reaction speed on the mouse is pretty darn good. Test yours by shooting sheep. (I made "Rocketing Rabbit")

The Whiny Goth Kids page. OMG I was laughing at this one. I love the dark artwork. The poetry reminded me of "Pallain's Emo Diary". It turns out that 'yes', other people can write that horrifically on purpose.

Yup, kinda disturbing, but funny.

So, you've decided to be evil?

What I'm Reading
: Oh, I've got a bit of a list here:

MirrorMask (graphic novel) - we all know that waiting is not my strong suit. It's not that I don't have patience, I just have a stronger desire to know. So, I read the Mirror Mask graphic novel (Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean) and I'm left sputtering with the awesome coolness of the graphics and story combination. I heard this movie described as a "Family Film" - the kind of film that everyone in the family can watch and come away with a unique appreciation of, not the kind of "family film" that means you can plop down your spawn and not have them exposed to any ideas. Based on what I read I have to agree. I cannot wait for this movie to either come out or be shown around here!!

Son of a Witch - it's not that I meant to re-read it, but it was there....I was made sense at the time...Look, these things happen sometimes. (I loved it just as much as the first time!)

Pride & Prejudice - need I explain why I love this?

Happy Bunny: Life, Get One - for the 5 minutes I spent reading this I was laughing the whole time. Thank you, Happy Bunny.

The Penderwicks
- I've been meaning to read this one as it's been sitting on my table for a while. And it's good, a very sweet children's book, reminiscent of children's books from earlier generations. In fact, I think this book would make a great grandparent type gift for their younger grandkids, as this is more the type of book that they would have had when they were kids. The story was enjoyable on several levels and will definitely be appreciated at the library.

What I'm Watching
: Well, as I said earlier I've watched Office Space a few times this week. Not that I really relate to the character on a personal level as I really love what I do, like my boss, and generally enjoy my colleagues - plus I like working with the public. Regardless, I just love this flick. Before being in the library I worked in IT at just about the time that the internet bubble popped - about when this movie is taking place. Everyone getting laid off, moving to other companies - reminds me of what it was like when I left that field altogether and decided to be a librarian when I grow up.

I've also re-watched the first three volumes of Fruits Basket because I just got in from Netflix, like 3 minutes ago, Fruits Basket volume 4 (THE LAST!!). I hope that a second season follows!!

Speaking of Netflix I also just got Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Weeeee

Mad Hot Ballroom - this was actually Allegra's pick. She did well. She's having me make a copy of this so she can take it to her gym teacher and ask him if he would ever do a program like this at school.


Blogger Leah said...

Pride and Prejudice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9:23 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

I played that rabbit game and my score was the same as yours. It was fun though. anyway.......nothin much else to say, is there?

oh well, see you sometime


2:06 PM  

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