Tuesday, November 01, 2005

30 days hath september, april june and .....

You know what time it is right? Remember? You know, that thing I was going on and on about? C'mon, I mentioned it for whole posts in a row! *sighs like an annoyed tiefling*

November? November is?

I give up, really. *sheesh*

Anyway, National Novel Writing Month has arrived and my first thought is: 'what the hell was I thinking? Writing a novel - like I have a little thing called 'time'?'

But I signed up! I will....start! Yeah, that's what I will do. I even received my first inspirtational email from the organization today. Offering such time saving hints as:
Let the dog walk itself. Empower your kids to drive themselves to school.
Nothing instills character in a child like operating a piece of heavy
machinery. Cooking? Bah. A host of local fast food chefs stand ready and
waiting with a wondrous array of largely edible delights.

Pizza is brain food, after all. And you have more important things to do
than cook. You're going to be busy building universes and forging lives.
In November, we spare no moments for drudgery, devoting our limited hours
instead to frantic typing, long, bookish walks, and soulful glances out
the window (which serve as restful interludes between prose creation and
much-needed practice for our future book-jacket photo shoots).
Yeah, that'll be helpful. I'm still going to try and start today, right after the philosophy group thingie tonight, and dinner with friends, and spending a little time with the family - or at least making sure they get fed. And sneaking chocolate from Allegra's trick-or-treating stash (important things, all).

What I'm Reading: Son of a Witch. It's excellent. No, really, it's excellent. I had a difficult time getting into Wicked the first time I picked it up (not the first time I read it, I had to revisit it to finish it), this one, I picked it up and was hooked. The characters are at once eccentric, colorful, and charming (in their own special way). The pacing is excellent and the suspense is lushed out to just the right point. I enjoy, quite a bit, the political commentary and notes on religious institutions that Maguire has peppered throughout the story. Anyway, I highly recommend it as a worthy continuation of Wicked.

What I'm Watching: Computer screens, notebook paper, and my own scribbling as I start my novel writing. Which apparently needs to be started by first procrastinating on my blog, but there you go.

Mini-edit: Forgot to mention this wonderful new edition for those of us in the habit of collecting awesome books that cost an arm AND a leg: The Complete Calvin and Hobbes


Blogger Laurel said...

good luck!

12:09 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

I think I'll try next year...

Complete Calvin and Hobbes :drool:

4:36 PM  
Blogger Me said...

I second myles on that. I'm buisy till break: no joke >.<

I cant wait till then.....break its so far away.


12:45 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

yeah...good luck, I wish I had time for that....right now I have to go upstairs for classs..my printer is being stupid, or I am, not sure which, so I'm working in the computer lab.

10:52 AM  

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