Tuesday, October 18, 2005

a waffle is like a pancake with syrup traps

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I had this emailed to me today from the New Yorker: Some critic who doesn't read (like) graphic novels reviewing them.

He jumps back and forth between stereotyping the medium he's "reviewing" and himself, all the while clearly demonstrating his elitist snobbery - choosing to focus on the one graphic novel that someone like him would focus on, and, well shows how best to not review graphic novels. Or, my favorite quote so far from the Bookslut:

"Please, New Yorker. I know you think it's cute and all to hire a critic who has never read comic books to review some comics for you, but you know you would never do that with any other medium. I'd like to see you hire an opera reviewer to write, 'The sets were lovely, but what the f*ck was with all of that singing?'"

Okay, minor ranting over. It's articles like this that remind me why I stopped subscribing to The New Yorker.

Did you hear about the fire at Aardman studios? Sad, sad stuff.

Scary squirrel world....I don't think there is much I can add to this.

What I'm Reading: Out Standing in my Field no, wait....

I FINALLY finished "Valley of Secrets", well, I can think of some readers that will truly love this mystery and rain forest statement. I'm not one of them. I mean, I read it, it wasn't the end of the world, it wasn't completely disastrous, but it barely wandered away from boring, yet pretty prose, into the realm of 'holds my interest'.

Anyway, Out Standing in My Field is a funny, endearing sports book. It would be untrue to say that sports books don't interest me - closer to the point to say that it's very few that I find worthwhile reading. "Travel Team", "Summerland", "Skinnybones" - all sports books I enjoyed. And now I can add this one to my list of enjoyable books that feature sports as a theme.

What I'm watching: Well I started watching the remake of The Amytiville Horror (I'll go into length on this one at a later time), but I have to say, the remake absolutely sucks.

Undead, well I thought perhaps this would be an Australian zombie spoof on par with Shaun of the Dead or Dead and Breakfast, which is just excellently horrible - so funny, and the music is catchy (not to mention when the zombies are shuffling up to the house and break into the Thriller zombie dance routine - Jay and I were in stitches). I was wrong, Undead is no where near as funny or as good as those two.


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