Friday, September 30, 2005

It sounds like...

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Yay, Friday!

I finally, *finally*, got behind my desk cleared out and caught up (pretty much). It's been a quiet week - that's how I was able to get so much done. It always is when kids are transitioning back to the school year, which is why I don't schedule much programming before October. However, when October hits I am booked solid!

The anime club (now working as part of the TAC) is going to do food for the October 28th haunted house that my theater company is working on. All the money that they raise is going towards their May trip to AnimeBoston. We're planning on going for the full three days. I've booked a hostel dorm for the trip, so at least lodging shall be inexpensive. I don't think a Broadway show is going to happen next year for the library. I just don't have a group that's interested in making it happen. Ah, well, the anime thing will be fun - it's all part of being flexible anyway.

I'm still going to Broadway, damnit!

Don't know what I'll see when I'll get there. But, by jove, I'm going! And, can't forget WICKED on December 10th!!

Anyway, in other excellent news: the library is getting more shelves! Upstairs AND downstairs!! Wahoo - less packed shelves!

It's things like this that put a bad day in perspective.

This reminds me of the advanced math final when I gave up in frustration and wrote something to the effect of: "I'm really good in English" right under my name leaving the rest blank.

I just really like this little song and video. It makes me smile.

This one is fun. Just type in the site that you would like to see suffer, choose the disaster you'd like it to suffer from and then watch it go. So far I've nuked foxnews and flooded the Drudge Report.

And don't forget HALLOWEEN IS COMING!!! Don't forget the Candy. Speaking of Halloween, Allegra wants to go as Chiyo-chan.

What I'm Reading: on my quest to further rid the shelves of antique books that have fallen out of favor I have taken it upon myself to read through some of them to see if they are worth saving. So, I'm reading The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart. It's rather good actually, it's written for younger children reading at a higher level. I think I'm going to see if I can find a better copy to replace it with since my copy is incredibly unattractive. Which reminds me, I needed a new copy of The Westing Game.

What I'm watching: So, I came home early yesterday because I'm coming down with a cold and all I wanted to do was sleep! However, when I got home, I was only able to sleep on and off. So, I watched some discs that I've had hanging around the house.

Gregory Horror Show
: I so wanted this to be a fun, spooky animated flick. I was so disappointed. It looks like these were cinema shorts from a horrible game all put together into one strange, sometimes really funny, series. Bizarre (which means Allegra loved it). And now that I've looked it up (for the link above), I've found out that, yes, it was a bad game first. *sheesh*

Fruits Basket
Volume 2: YAY! I love this one - the series is just so sweet and funny.

Cardcaptor Sakura Volume 1: Imagine my surprise when I actually liked this series. Somehow I'd managed to avoid ever seeing it; equating it with Sailor Moon nonsense. But it turns out it's rather cute and funny. I don't think I could stand a lot of it in one sitting without an insulin shot, but in small doses, I enjoyed it.


Blogger Me said...

that candy one made me jump....

also I blame you for that game on your site ruining my free time I have yet to beat level 17 but have managed to beat all the rest including 14. my roommate who I was playing it with has now started her own game and is now on level 18 im so pissed i cant stand it!!

now I'm going to attempt to beat level 17

1:15 PM  
Blogger Leah said...


3:13 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

I never got past 17 either. I don't have the patience for those things I guess.
I love the pictures of the trucks falling into the water. They always make me laugh.

3:15 PM  

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