Monday, September 26, 2005

Go back to bed

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Well, after stressing all last week that the books wouldn't arrive in time for the Literacy Fair, the books didn't come in. So, I hatched a Plan B right after D&D on Friday and printed out a bunch of "tickets" that I could hand out after we talked about Spirited Away that would entitle the holder to a free copy of Volume 1 of the Spirited Away manga AFTER September 28 - what the hell, might as well give myself a few more days to get them in. Yay, backup plan! The talk wasn't that bad; nearly everyone that came in had already seen Spirited Away, so we were free to talk about something else. Namely, Mythology and in particular when humans get involved in the dealings of gods and spirits throughout Norse and Greek mythology (and a bit of Fairy myth in it as well). It went well.

Then I sprinted to the Library to hold a Girl Scout Brownie meeting - that went well, after that I got to go home shower and not take a nap before going to the Opera House and getting ready for the concert that night. We had a small - no, disappointing - turnout, but what a great show it was! Ingrid's Ruse was fabulous, Joe Stacey was excellent, and Michael Veitch was amazing - and all 40 people in the 350-seat room loved it.

Then we went with Sam and Joe and Sam's little sister Grace to see Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride - which I LOVED! (big surprise, I know).

It was nice to have a day off from everything (I refuse to answer the phone on Sunday unless it's a friend), but I need more time off on the weekends!

Because I is the Sleepy Kittens video and song.

Imagine this: All three long trailers from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy sound edited to fit the anime Azumangah Diaoh, with Osaka as Frodo, Kagura as Legolas, Yukari as Sauron and Saruman, Kimura as Gollum, and so on.... and they changed the names to: The Lord of the Yen, The Two Pigtails, and The Return of Sakaki-San. Well, then you'd have The Lord of the Yen. A couple of things to note: it's a long download and you'll have to create an account (free) before you download it. After that enjoy! It's wildly amusing. (Thanks Hannah and Caitlyn)

The Highlander in 30 seconds re-enacted by bunnies. There can be only one.

A page that I've been visiting daily: The comics. About 2 dozen comic strips updated daily - great fun!

I'm pretty sure this is in bad taste.

I haven't had time to read anything.


Blogger Me said...

I think MAybe it was in Poor taste.

My roommates love it when I check your site because we always end up entertained.

so thanks


1:05 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

That was incredibly bad taste. Genmay would shrink from that...well maybe not.

I'm glad the fair went well. I need to see Spirited Away one of these days.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Me said...

I own it if you want to borrow the movie myles

7:59 PM  

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