Sunday, September 11, 2005

And now for something completely different

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Wootness!! I finished my training for the radio station, so my I am a certified DJ...of sorts.

I wouldn't say I'm anti-social this weekend, so much as I don't feel compelled to go out of my way. We are off to church (Unitarian Universalists, we) this morning - it's our first service back as our church doesn't meet during the summer, and it's our water communion, so that will be nice.

Anyway, some fun diversions, which is about the speed I'm at today:

I Like U: Just click on this one for a happy message! (after it loads click the red button at the top of the bubble)

Mage's Maze: Mage's Maze is more than a riddle game. Besides solving the regular enigmas, you have to find your way trough the maze, in order to face The Mage and become his apprentice.

Belfast Ghost Watch: Halloween is coming, and here at our house we've dropped all pretenses of waiting for it and have started celebrating early. Let the spooky fun begin. (or just sit around watching a spare room for hours - great fun for library kids hehehehe)

Yeti Sports: This is one of my favorite online game sites. Love, love, love the Yeti and the Pingus!! Speaking of "pingus", "March of the Penguins" is actually playing downtown this weekend - we're going to see it again!

Die Anstalt Psychiatrie fur misshandelte Kuscheltiere: Haven't played this in a while, wonder if they ever finished it....

What I'm reading:
Baron: The Cat Returns - the manga is not by Miyazaki. The manga itself is quite funny and stylistic on it's own terms. I really enjoyed it. Granted, it doesn't feature Cary Elwes or Tim Curry's voice acting, but yet it was still fabulous, funny, and heartwarming.

The Historian - Great mystery, vampire fun with good and evil hanging in the balance. This may come as a shock, but I have a fondness for vampire literature and here is an interesting addition to the genre. The author clearly loves research. I'm about halfway through (the book is huge) and am so far enjoying it quite a bit.

What I'm Watching:
Chappelle's show season 1 : His absolutely UN-Politically correct humor just tickles my burning cities and busting balloons funnybone.


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