Thursday, September 08, 2005

Mental Health Day

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Because I've earned it, I am taking a mental health day. I was supposed to be at a "Picture Book Story Hour" workshop, but the dates changed for that, and when I found myself with a day off already scheduled I begged to keep it. I need to figure out what I've got for vacation left and just take a nice, long vacation.

So, what am I doing on my suddenly free day? NOTHING (if I can help it). Oh I will be going to Burdick's (hmmmmmmm......Burdicks.............) this morning for latte and gossip with a few friends. But I decided not to get my hair done today and to just come home, put my pjs back on, read, sleep, watch movies (I finally just bought The 10th Kingdom DVD rather than keep renting it), whatever and not do anything else the least bit structured. Of course, I have some calls I have to make.....but they should wait until tomorrow with no problems.

The wireless internet is now available at the library! And we've got three new computers, so everyone is happy. For awhile there we were stuck with only one public computer per floor (you can probably imagine the chaos that ensued).

And the award for worst casting in a biopic goes to - whoever thought casting Elijah Wood as Iggy Pop was a good idea.

The Big Chill reeancted by bunnies in 30 seconds. (VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED! Contains bunnies in adult situations, bunnies cursing.and bunnies dealing with existential issues.)

From Creative Loafing:
  • A WOMAN CALLED POLICE and said her Volkswagen Jetta was stolen while she was visiting friends on Irwin Street. Two hours later, police spotted the Jetta on Auburn Avenue and spoke to the driver, a 36-year-old man. He said the woman loaned him the car to go get more crack, but he fell asleep and she was gone when he returned to Irwin Street. The man described the woman's condo, her dogs, her roommate's wine cellar. He also said the woman had a genital piercing, and he knew this because they were sleeping together.

    Police talked to the woman again. An officer asked her numerous questions, including if she had a piercing anywhere on her body besides her ears. Eventually the woman admitted that yes, she did have a genital piercing, and yes, she did lend the man her car. She was arrested for falsely reporting a crime.

The new Jetta. It’s all grown up. Sort of.

What I'm Reading: The Ghost of Thomas Kempe - I've been weeding. Some of you can attest to the fact that the shelves downstairs are unquestionably packed with books. So, lately, as I put books away on a shelf that is too full to take it, I scan the shelf and see what is there that hasn't earned it's shelf space, doesn't belong, or what-have-you. And on one of my shelf scans I came across this title. The name immediately struck a bell although I couldn't remember why. So, I hopped onto the helpful internet and found out that it was turned into a show on "After School Mystery Theater", which I watched regularly (late 70s - early 80's) and this one was one of my favorites! And now that I'm thinking of that one....I remember that there was also The Haunted Mansion Mystery, which I always managed to catch the first part of over and over, but only managed to see the second part of once.

What I'm watching: Star Wars Clone Wars


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