Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Where's my cow?

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It's a game of Trolls and Dwarfs where the player
must take both sides to win ...

It's the noise a troll club makes when crushing
in a dwarf skull, or when a dwarfish axe cleaves
a trollish cranium ...

It's the unsettling sound of history about
to repeat itself ... THUD!

It's the most extraordinary, outrageous,
provocative, insightful, and keenly cutting flight
of fancy yet from Discworld's incomparable
supreme creator ... Terry Pratchett

And, holy hell, it's book #30 in the Discworld series! First off, if you haven't been reading Discworld books all along, don't start with this one. You'll miss a lot of the jokes and the cast is just overwhelmingly huge to keep straight if you don't already know them. Terry Pratchett is just brilliant - his dig at the Da Vinci code is just excellent. And well, I don't really feel like writing much more about this book, so let's leave it at: It is a most worthy addition to a fabulous series! (And next month he's releasing the picture book companion "Where's My Cow?"!!)

Anyway, there's what I'm reading. I decided to shake things up a bit and start with the end. Perhaps there's no coincidence that we're having pancakes and fruit for dinner (which I must point out, is rather satisfying).

Otherwise, I have nothing much to add really. I'm finally going to watch the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". A movie I have purposefully avoided as I didn't want to really see what was done to my beloved series....but Jay went out and rented it. So now, faced with it being available in my very own living room. Well, the temptation is a bit great. And seeing as how we're still in our living-simply withno cable experiment I don't have the option of watching something more stupid. (Well, ok, I do have Jay's movies....think of movies like the "Dungeons & Dragons" movie and "Troy"....although he gets all offended when I mention their sheer stupidity.)


Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Hi Sam,
Just wanted to rant to you like I used to do, because right now I feel very stupid. Not in the way- oh I just did something silly- no, like I am an idiot who cannot speak in French nor freaking tell what meter a song is in. ARG! I know there are happy things- like my crazily cool Proff. for Wells 101 and the fact that he liked my paper!!! But really, the feeling stupid is winning this over too much- and added to that now I am home sick and I just wish it was summer again. ARZZZZZGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you later- thanks for the letting of the rant,


12:13 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

Hi sam,
Just wanted to check in. I got my workstudy job at the library easily. 7 positions, 30 applications.
But the lady insists on teaching me how to use the dewey decimal system. I'm her best student apparently. :)
College is going super swell, I'll have to get around to writing a blog. My comments to everyone are huge.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Hi Sam...

I don't know if you've been reading my blog but I should read yours more, and yet a link for it on mine.

I'm doing really well....I love my school, campus, classes, fellow Smithies....ect.


3:18 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

It's great to hear from you all! Rather than several responses, here is one massive type-back.

Hi, Leah!

I have checked out your blog - you sound like such a different person than the Leah that hung out in the library (which I know, isn't you, but it was the you that I knew). I'm so glad that you're having such a fabulous time at Smith. I loved your description of the "lionesses" out on the town. :0)

Hi, Myles!

Yay, workstudy (hopefully with no evil, agenda-directed librarians)! Well, of course you're the best student *sheesh*. The dewey isn't so bad; once you get it you'll find it makes sense in its own special way.

Hi, Jess!

I can't make the stupid go away (I can barely refrain from typing it myself). Speaking of stupid (or perhaps I'm being overly critical) the care package is going to be a little late; Jeremy (...grumble...grumble....) put it in the trunk to take it to the post office while he was out running errands and it's been riding around with him all week. He apologizes. It's ok to feel stupid right now. I know that's not really comforting, but it's true. Give yourself a chance to get into it, do what you can, learn as you get opportunities, and try not to stress - it'll all come. In the meantime, have some tea and rant away!

6:25 PM  

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