Tuesday, October 04, 2005

out of control

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That nasty sore throat from last week? Strep throat. Man, it sucked. But, 48 hours and an apothecary of antibiotics later and Jay and I are feeling much, much better. So, I'm going into work this morning. I even have my voice back....kind of. And I'm no longer contagious. (And I couldn't stand to spend another day stuck in the house!)

I did absolutely nothing yesterday outside of a medical check-up but watch movies, knit, email, and then read with Allegra afterwards.

I've figured out what I'm going to see on Broadway.

OCTOBER IS HERE!! As much as I dread the snow that is in our nearing future, I love the fall. I actually really love it when it starts getting chilly at night (but still warm in the day), so that a bulky sweater wrapped around is perfect comfort. I love it when the leaves change. Fall just makes me comfy and sentimental. The fact that Halloween is in October is also a big plus. I love when I can be home in the evenings and snuggle up on the couch with a great book or a good movie.

Speaking of movies, check out IMDBs list of top 10 horror flicks. Not sure if I'm with them on all 10 - after all one of my favorite spooky flicks isn't on it. I love horror flicks; not the asinine slasher flicks, or the movies based on a really flashy special effect, I mean a really good scary movie, one with a great story, developed characters, good acting - the kind of movie where the special effects are part of the movie not the entire movie.

The one that I wish they'd included on the list: The Changeling (be warned this link has MAJOR spoilers - you can read a review without all the spoilers here) I love this movie; always up for a really good ghost story this one ranks right up there with Ghost Story, Poltergeist, and the more recent tv miniseries of The Shining. Watching The Changeling has to be done in just the right way or else the movie comes off as really slow and pedantic, which is how I thought of it for the longest time until I actually really watched it. You can't have more than 2 or 3 people in the room with you - it's even better if you're by yourself. The lights must be off and the house must be quiet. This movie is so atmospheric and the story is well-paced - 1979 is not actually all that long ago, but in terms of film-making this movie is very different from what you will see today. I have read that the original director is threatening a remake of the movie. I just hope he does it right.

Speaking of ghosts......I don't know if I've shared with all of you the haunted room.... The story is this, the house was used by the Confederate army (after disposing of the family that lived there) during the civil war. And since then, the family that lives there now has at times seen confederate ghosts in rather specific areas. They managed to set up a camera in one room where a ghost has often been spotted - with sound no less. And now it's on the internet. It's kind of like a Where's Waldo picture spotting the ghost, once you see it, it just pops out, but it takes about 5 minutes to really spot it. Don't forget to turn the sound up really loud as this video does have some really interesting sounds to go with it. Now when I look, I can see the ghost clearly, so a small hint: focus on the area between the windows - about where the picture is in The Haunted Room.

Btw, did I mention: I love Halloween.

This little bear short reminds me of why I don't like to visit circuses - not necessarily the larger ones where you know that they're treating their animals humanely, but the small ones, with tiny cages, people who aren't necessarily well trained... It's just wrong. (Warning: this toon is sad)

I love this game: Curve ball.

What I'm reading: Well, stuck at home yesterday I read with Allegra last night the latest Junie B. Jones book: Junie B. First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells (P.S. so does May). Cute.

What I'm watching: Well, Jay and I just watched the first two discs of the television series Lost season 1 and (to quote Junie B. Jones) WOWIE! WOW! WOW! I really like this series!! So, Jay, who is staying home one day more, will be running to Reel to Real to get the next several discs in the series.


Blogger Myles said...

I'm watching Lost too! I've only seen the first 8 episodes, Taylor's been downloading them onto his laptop (I know, for shame). Its the best show of its kind that I've seen in forever. I say that only to exclude Arrested Development. The other jewel of television right now.
The show has such, well, depth. I'm addicted. It really reminds me of two things, the Disney made-for-tv (and now almost forgotten) movie E.X.I.L.E. and the NBC miniseries Danger Island. I watched both when I was little and they both involve similar things, though not nearly as well done I'm sure. Both were from the early 90's.
That show is awesome + +
Hurley is the best!

3:09 PM  
Blogger Me said...

thanks for another game to play, some day my room mates are determined to meet you some day.

I have started to watch the new lost shows with my roomies and just going off what they tell me happened, I understand nothing but the show is great.


3:18 PM  

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