Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thursday thursday

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It's so nice not being sick.

I am so tired of being out every night! Between Girl Scouts, Theater Company, and library stuff I only get to go home on time next Wednesday for the next 2 weeks - otherwise it's late meetings!! Too. Much. Waaaaaay too much stuff going on at once. I'm definitely feeling ready to scale back.

I saw that I may be seeing some of you at D&D - excellent! I'll have to prepare ahead of time, the new group is still beginning with me and has a lot more hand-holding going on right now.

The Onion has an excellent interview with Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean

So, since I'm still sipping my first cup of coffee, I only really have patience for the fun stuff:

So, first {insert trumpets here} War of the Worlds in 30 seconds re-enacted by bunnies!

I made up a great avatar - looked just like me, but I can't get the email thingie to work for this avatar creator.

The Goo Does Flow

Remember how weird How to Kill a Mockingbird is? I think this little farm thing is far weirder.

iiiiiiiiiiii (be sure your speakers are on)

This bodyless dancer is fascinating - I found it best to just leave the "eye" on the chair and watch the dancer. But when it turned into butterflies I so wanted to Loop it (heads up: Loop is a game that, at one point, I found myself playing a lot of - it's that kind of game.)

I've had a couple of games shared with me lately that are worth noting:

First, I got to level 6 on this one before I decided I needed to do something else.

Finally, this game is a blast, I got to level nine before I had to do something else.

I love this little toon - good things can happen when giant bugs squish on car windows in Bumble Being - The Butterfly Effect.

What I'm Reading: The Kingdom Keepers - fun little juvenile action/suspense piece - a bit too squeaky to really be popular, although it will be enjoyed by many. Until I started reading it I didn't bother looking at the CIP info to see that this book was published by Disney; no question, this book has something of an agenda in it.

What I'm watching: Since the other discs for Lost are out (but are being held for us when they come in) we decided to check out some older flicks that I'd been meaning to get to. First, Pi: Faith in Chaos - a jarring black and white brain bender of a flick.

Which we then followed up with Terry Gilliam's Brazil. An Orwellian film that follows the character of Sam Lowry, a clerk in the records department of a huge government bureaucracy, the Ministry of Information. Sam's perception of the world alternates between being trapped as a mere "cog in the machine" in a grim world of paperwork and escaping from his grim existence by becoming a hero in his own elaborate dreams. His life and these dreams begin to merge together... his dreams become more realized as his life tears apart. Eventually, the government imprisons him, finding him guilty of none other than "wasting the Ministry's time and paper" after Sam embarks on a messy pursuit of the girl he sees in both his dreams and in real life - who was unrightly wanted by the Ministry as a suspected terrorist.


Blogger Laurel said...

by handholding do you mean you're not so subtle comments of "you might want to do a spot check". that was always helpful. except when katie did them... she never seemed to manage to get beyond her extremities ('fingers')

10:51 AM  
Blogger Myles said...

It'll be fun to pretend to play D+D again. Rob will be so frustrated, ha.
I just finished season 1, the school network caught someone uploading the FF movie off Taylor's laptop, so they put a lock on his computer and he couldnt download any more. So he just bought it at FYE. I have the first 14 episodes on my comp, if i can figure out how my dvd burner works I can give them to you.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

It's a whole new level of hand-holding - I think it's because most of them are very, very new to the game and haven't learned what their options are, so helping them out in play is just so much easier than sitting down and going through it bit by bit. But, you know, comments like "walk down the left hallway" or "follow the helpful guy already", or "look, which one of you has trap sense? Just use it on the door for pete's sake!" For fun I started the new group out on a good old fashioned dungeon crawl, but when they get out we're going to go from Eberron to Dragonlance in that special way that my groups can (by ignoring rules that don't fit).

Although our bard has learned the usefulness of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. She picked spells that were going to be most useful as a performer, so she hasn't been much use for fighting. Caitlyn dropped being a gargoyle I think she's a doppelganger or something (hmmm, should look at her sheet before tomorrow) because she was just too uber. It was turning into: "I see a poison trap - send in the gargoyle!"

The Kyle-Baiting has moved to a whole new level though. Sarah, Megan, and Amber (my group) enjoy teasing him with pro-feminist slogans to which Kyle reacts, well, like Kyle. And he seems to enjoy it, saying as many stupid, macho, chauvinistic things to encourage their wrath and give them something to stew over. So, for the sake of Jake's game (which Kyle is in) and my game we actually had to come to an arrangement to not tease or taunt. *sigh*

The irony of Rob's playing is that once he left my group and went to Daniel's, Daniel got peeved at him for goofing off and distracting the game. Rob stopped by a week or so ago, but he hasn't been coming regularly. I think the timing is really hard for him.

Woot - Lost on DVD - that would be *so*awesome*! Bummer for Taylor, though. Is the lock permanent?

11:40 AM  
Blogger Myles said...

I don't know, I think so. The network here is pure evil. DC++ was the only downloading thingie we could find to work at all, now they're wise to it, but we're going to use my computer and just block large uploads since that is what got noticed. Because now we have to catch up on season 2. We're so addicted its not funny.
I'll probably get locked too, but whatever. We've got to fight the power.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

*fist raised in solidarity* Right on!

1:35 PM  

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