Sunday, October 09, 2005

Drinking in of this wonderful life - la la la la la la laaaaaa la

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Yay, Sunday! I actually have nothing scheduled, nothing that needs to be done (ok, well, actually, that's not quite right - but I'm not doing it damnit!), nowhere to go, nothing to be responsible for, we went grocery shopping and cleaned the house yesterday.......bloody hell! A whole, unblemished Sunday just for me! ::happiness::

Actually, I'm taking a whole week off from the library on the second week of November. I'm not planning anything except to not be available - no programs, no meetings, I have some Under MilkWood rehearsals, but those will be fun, and a whole week to refresh.

Well, thanks to the convenience of modern technology, and a nearby video store, Jay and I went on a bit of a Lost bender last night. Watching the last 2 discs, and at 4 episodes per disc, you do the math - I'll help and point out that we finished the *last*episode*of*season*1* at 3:30-ish. So, here it is now 9:45 in the am, I'm something resembling awake, while Jay isn't. I actually woke up because of strange bumpings and thumpings in Allegra's room (Allegra was wearing her new Halloween costume and practicing her nefarious looks and swishing about the room in her long cape - that's my girl!). Anyway, OMFG!!!!!!! This series is just, *gasp*, *twitch* too flippin' amazin'!! (Don't you just love the use of the gangsta disdain for the 'g'?) For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I won't say anything except, I have not been as engrossed in a television show's characters, story, etc., since the first few seasons of The Sopranos. The acting is superb. The story is incredible - and the fact that a network is taking the time to tell the story correctly and not selling it out immediately is amazing - although I haven't seen the second season to know much about that, but we'll see. I think that this is a series that Jay and I will have to own.

My point: I'm going to have to go back to sleep at some point today.

I'm still working on knitting up the fun, humongous blanket in the white grey and black variegated boucle, but....the library got a new scarf book and so I'm using the rest of the yarn from the Harry Potter scarves to make this really cool turtleneck shrug/scarf, it will be awesome! And then Allegra picked up this nifty black with pick metallic shot through it eyelash yarn that I made into a long scarf for her yesterday in the car ride back from shopping and while watching the first disc of Lost.

The Dancing Spidey on Jess's blog reminds me for no real reason other than it's a bizarre dancing piece of pop culture, the Breakdancing Transformers.

This was too cute, I stumbled on a Google joke.

Leah stopped by the library during D&D. I finally just gave up on the new group for the evening, and had them pick up (I have got to talk to them at the next game because it's not much fun for me having to continue rallying them just to sit down - I'm good with the talking, it's all the other stuff I don't want to put up with for the games - if it's not fun for me, I'm not going to DM a game and with the random running and climbing on each other and just ARGH!! I'm going to talk to them at the next game and see if we can reach an arrangement). The energy on Friday - for everyone at the games - was really, really weird. And Leah is joining us for Wicked!!!! It was so nice to see her and hang out for a bit. And she showed me around Facebook - what a blast! Anyway, that was really cool, seeing Leah (Hi, Leah!).

I also found this little piece of calming wisdom floating about on the net.

I'm suddenly feeling sleepy.

What I'm reading: Oh, I'm on a bit of a Neil Gaiman kick this weekend, I stopped reading Anansi Boys because I realized that I should re-read American Gods first. So, I'm reading Good Omens. Yeah, I know, doesn't fit, but I don't care - I love this book!! A light-hearted fantasy about Armageddon - and oh, does it make me laugh.

What I'm watching: Well, now that we've finished the series, there is actually one disc left - and the last disc is all the special feaures, outtakes, behind-the-scenes, etc. So, yeah, I'll be watching that.


Blogger Leah said...

Yeah...D&D was it was a new generation or something!!

I can't belive I'm going to see
wicked with you after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:00 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

I love Lost. The special features were a bit disapointing, but I can't argue with them there's enough content in the series!
I can't wait to start season 2! I wish I could download it myself...

3:31 PM  

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