Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Super Happy Fun-Time!

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The Amityville Horror.

It must be Halloween (almost!) because once again I’ve had to prove to some younger, impressionable library patrons that this is a hoax, a well-known urban legend, that in fact, this is an admitted hoax. So, since I can easily direct kids to my blog, I’m just going to outline the whole argument here.

First off, there were some real victims that the book starts with. The DeFeo family was a real family that was slaughtered. The only living member of the family, the eldest son, was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to prison, where he sits to this day. The house is also a real house. Having spent my summers in Long Island at my grandmothers house as a teenager, I’ve been there. There are people living there now. A quiet family for whom life is undisturbed by paranormal thumpings, bumpings, and demonic pigs. The house looks different now, the “eye windows” are gone, replaced with very attractive shuttered square windows. And you should realize that the lots are not widely spaced. Sure, the house is quite nice, but it’s also very close to the neighbors’. You can’t look at the house and imagine all the screaming and terror going on without the neighbors seeing/hearing something.

A year after the murders the Lutz family moved in to the house and claimed that they suffered from a house possessed.
But really, have you read the book? Because there are some major facts and events presented there that are so easy to refute. At the time a television crew did a piece on the house with "ghost hunters" and “psychics”. They all decided that there was a demonic spirit in the house and that it had to be exorcised. The Lutzs collaborated with the author Jay Anson on the book. And, as William Peter Blatty did when he promoted The Exorcist, Anson vouched for the truthfulness of his fantastic tale: "There is simply too much independent corroboration of their narrative to support the speculation that [the Lutzes] either imagined or fabricated these events." Now, really, The Exorcist a true story? Speaking of The Exorcist, it’s no stretch of the imagination to think that perhaps Blatty’s book served as inspiration – keep in mind that it was published very shortly before all of this supposedly happened. Anson did manage to squeeze in several quasi-factoids into the book like the “vengeful native American spirits” that unfortunately didn’t actually live in that area. But you know, maybe they were visiting?

So, just a few points of the many that I choose to dispute:

First off, you need to know that William Weber, lawyer for Ronald DeFeo, Jr., admitted in 1979 that he and the Lutzes had concocted the whole story of the haunting. The story was related to Weber's defense in court. Can you believe it didn’t work? What do you have to do to get a guy off on a murder charge? (I re-read that line and thought perhaps I should make it clear that it’s sarcastic, but then realized that many of you know me and can probably imagine all the eye-rolling I’m doing as I’m typing this) Btw, he was again denied parole in 1999.

Original doors and windows that were supposedly blown out and destroyed were in surprisingly good condition. In fact, they looked completely untouched – as documented in several pictures. Maybe there’s a ghost carpenter on the premises?

In the book the Lutzs claimed to have called the police. Yet, police records show that they were never called – those ghosts, who knew they had a knack for paperwork?

Descriptions of alleged psychic events did not match either the method or details of the actual murders. And all the red-faced psychics and ghost hunters involved that didn’t have an answer when it was pointed out to them that one of the orchestrators of the hoax admitted it was made up. Ooops! And the hoofprints that surrounded the house in the snow were impossible, since weather records show that there was no snow at the time. And you know those weather geeks…what an anal bunch.

Remember the priest that was swarmed with flies and heard the disembodied voice telling him to get out? That very Father Pecoraro later stated that he never saw anything in the house.

And now, I know there are a few of you that will say, “Wait a minute! What about the fact that everyone involved in the house has died of the Amityville curse?” Well, ok, let’s examine that then (I love these imagined conversations), because you know, people die. It happens. I fail to see the significance in heart attacks, stroke, and death from old age that spans over 20 years as a curse. And you know, isn’t funny that it’s always the people who were kind of associated that died under “mysterious circumstances”? That the “Lutzs” themselves are still walking around with warm bodies kind of argues against a curse.

Really, there is far more reliable evidence that this story is complete fiction. Read the book and come to your own conclusion (HAH! Managed to get a reading plug in there!!). The fact that this alleged mystery is untrue shouldn’t allow you to get upset, just frees you up to direct your energies elsewhere.

Let the arguments begin.

Because you know, I bet the furniture was just as haunted, and the appliances as well; imagine, the Amityville Toaster! Btw, the only reason I'm able to sit at home and type all of this out is because I've taken the day off!! YAAYAAY!!! See, I and two friends have our birthdays right around the same time (September and October) and so rather than get stuff for each other we just go out and do something together and enjoy our time together. So, today we're doing a birthday lunch at Burdick's. It will be nice! And then tonight I have a Girl Scout thing so I'm going out to dinner with someone from Girl Scouts and that will be fun. So for my birthday (Saturday) I'm starting a few days early and completely screwing off.

I love this place:
The Institute of Official Cheer

Did you know that a Candian Warship seized a tanker in....wait, Candada has a warship? (btw, I love Canada - it knows I'm just teasing)

Anyway, I'm off to get ready to leave the house. Tchuss!


Blogger Myles said...

I read the book awhile a go, and I admit I was convinced at the time. But can you really blame me? The edition I had (and current ones are probably the same) declared everything to be a true story. It was not listed as fiction, it looked very authentic. I now realize the error of my ways (you actually popped that bubble). Plus I was in middle school so that explains some of it, but I can see how some people can believe it.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...

I think I will probably never read/ watch any versions of that, simply because my imagination runs away with me and I end up terrifying myself- unless its comdey scary- for example I have the distinct impression that I would like Shaun of the Dead. On the other hand things such as the Amnityvill Horror and Resident Evil and Dawn of the Dead, are just off limits to me and my evil immaginations...

But I loved the little rant... because I remember having them over your desk at the Libary.


P.S. Sam, uh, I need to intership over winter break (and I really don't want to work at the highschool) and my advisor wanted me to think about stuff around town- so if you need a lachey at the radio station in January- send me a message!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Oh...yeah, you're was a desktop rant! I've got more....wait'll I weigh in on the New Age movement that's trying to claim quantum phsyics. Listening to them, it's quite clear they haven't a clue. They have their one film ("What the Bleep") that is so full of propaganda for a school run by a woman that supposedly is channeling a 35000 year old Warrior-spirit named "Ramtha", has been sued by two of it's "experts" one for deliberate misrepresentation (he gave them hours of film arguing the entire premise of their movie and they redited it to make it sound like he was backing them up - just like the new age movement to grasp what it wants to believe anyway), and is just chock full of statements that require footnotes and proof - yet none exists - that I don't see how any *rational* person could possibly believe in it. Sure, it's interesting to watch and think about, but please, don't base your life on it any more than you would the daily horroscope in the paper (Gee, where is that "wealth" I was supposed to find?). I predict that the next obscure theory (if they can figure it out) that the New Agers will hide their plastic idol in is either String Theory and/or Chaos Theory.

If by intern at the radio station you mean: "I'd like to get trained/certifid asd a DJ, create a show, engineer my show, attend committee meetings, and help out, all for the hourly pay of nothing." Then sure! Consider yourself an intern. Actually, I'm not the one to really ask about that, but I can tell you who you should ask about that if you'd like. But I can guess that's exactly the offer you'll get - it's a community radio station and those are the steps that basically anyone in the community can participate.

If you want to intern at the library, you know we'd LOVE to have you back (you too, Myles!), and I can see if Devik can offer some pay for that help. :) I'm not the one to give the final word, but I can find out about that too.

Sorry, Myles. Well, ok, yeah, I _am_ sorry to burst a childhood bubble, but on the other hand, the skeptic in me - the part that really likes facts and logic is congratulating you on your breakthrough.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Btw, guess what I just found in the mail.....

........the tickets to WICKED!!!!!

And speaking of Wicked (and because you reminded me, Jess), there is a continuation of the story out now! Gregory Maguire's new book "Son of a Witch", he won't call it a sequal, and prefers the term "companion piece", but there you are.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

haha, yeah I would like to work at the library (the money would be cool if possible). I don't want to go back to the greyhound track :shudder:

...Ramtha eh? Didn't Boopsie from Doonesbury use to channel a warrior spirit? I have some old books from him and I'm pretty sure she did.

11:23 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Yes she did! I loved that little satire that spoofed all the new age channeling - that was just hilarious. I completely forgot all about it (now I'm going to have to dig out my Doonesbury collections).

Let me know dates that you're in, and I'll see what I can do. As I said, it has to go through the top first, but still, advance planning and such.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

November 22 and December 22 I get about a week off.
The schedule they gave us is kind of vague.

11:43 PM  
Blogger Laurel said...

sam- if that ticket becomes available i'll take it, i have finals the next week but they don't start until tues and my bio one isn't till fri, so i'm sure i'll be fine. i'd just have to figure out how to get a ride but if i knew i was going i could take the truck to school after thanksgiving, so let me know if any become available- wonderful to see you yesterday!

10:55 AM  
Blogger Laurel said...

myles you have the 22-28th of nov and 22 of dec through 17 of january, maybe more depending on when your finals are

11:04 AM  

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