Wednesday, October 26, 2005


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Well, now that my initial reaction to the snow is over, winter can come and I promise less kicking and screaming as long as I'm allowed the occasional grumble. I think it's a good compromise.

With that out of the way, I'm all set for my mini-freak-out about Thursday and Friday. Actually, I'm pretty good for both. See, Thursday is my big Annual Family Halloween party at the library, and aside from needing to make 6 dozen cupcakes tonight (yay, warm oven and delicious cupcake smell in the house!), I'm pretty much all set. Allegra's entire Junior Girl Scout troop signed up as helpers, so I think it's going to go pretty smoothly this year. It's just daunting - last year we had about 150 over the course of the night and we'll see how it goes tomorrow. On Friday though is my Theater Company's "House of Spirits and Whispers" with Rivermist B&B. It's not a typical haunted house with lots of booing and cheap thrills. Instead it's a more staid, literary event, with two storytellers (I'm one, part of the stress, I need to practice my story!!), poetry recitations in the garden, a witch scene, a gypsy fortune teller, and a concession stand - where most of my stress is located. It's the anime group. They're raising funds for the next TAC trip, which is to go to AnimeBoston in May (a comparitively less expensive trip coming in at a mere $2500) - and I'm a bit stressed that a they will be able to focus long enough, no scratch that, most of them will be able to focus and do just fine, it's one girl who not only can't focus, can't bear to let anybody else focus (unless it's on her), who I'm worried is going to purposely sabotage the thing just so she can have the attention. But it should be ok....I've got a parent volunteer signed up for each hour of the thing to oversee the group (never had to do that with the Broadway trip, but this is a different group, and I recognize that it's not fair to them to compare....still....).

I found this bit of information that I thought was pretty neat. Blogshares, how much might your blog be worth? (I know, I know, it's priceless)

Have you ever heard anyone say about watching television talk shows "I like watching the idiots on the Jerry Springer show because then my life seems pretty good", well, this confessional site is like that. Choose a sin, read the confession, and be glad it isn't you.

It's no secret that I can appreciate a good prank (especially if it's not against me), and this site cataloging prank websites is just excellent. All the classics are here from Chrissy Caviar to Manbeef, Freck's New Feet, "Our first time", Bonsai Kitten, and Dog Island. These just crack me up.

This little game starring a cute puppy is a bit too addictive. While this game features all the joy of bubble wrap and pool.

Remember the Kitty Cat Dance? Magical Trevor? Badger Badger? Kenya Lions? They're taking the hobbits to Isengaard? All internet songs that got stuck in your head until you were afraid you're head might pop. At least this one is honest.

Clearly some people cannot be left alone with MS Paint.

So, let's say you're a LARPer out doing your foam-rubber-sword thing, when all of a sudden you see a group of hipster geeks coming at you, no not walking, more like lurching. What the hell!? It's Hipster Zombie Nerds vs. D&D Nerds (no, I'm not making this up).

Why, no, it's not the Simpsons, it's another clever spoof. While we're looking at spoofs, how about some false advertising.

I admit, this is a little cruel, but much would Star Jones charge to participate in an eating contest?

It's kind of cute, and kind of weird - no, really, really weird. It's Looking for my Leopard.

What I'm reading: Son of a Witch - the new book "companion" (Maguire's words not mine!) to Wicked!! I just started it, so I'll have to write more later.

What I'm watching: Gilgamesh Volume 2 - funny, funny stuff.


Blogger Leah said...

I want to buy Son of A Witch now!!! And what is that blogshares place? How does it know me? I own what I write, right? No one can steal it, can they?

7:10 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

The book is pretty good!

No need to panic - yes, you own what you write (well, as much as can anyway with the highlight-right-click-copy mentality that exists). Blogshares is a stock market game where your blog is treated like a company - you can't actually sell your blog there. But, you can get a summary of where people looking at your site are going - it's kind of like a statistic for your site.

7:50 AM  

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