Monday, October 31, 2005

Time for a coffin break (posty part.2)

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I promise, nice links (more or less) from now on.

First, Ben & Jerry's presents sweet Halloween games like Whack-A-Ghoul.

I love scary movies. Check out some of these free, low-budget, Halloween films and toons at Atomfilms.

So, if you saw a zombie would you ask it play? (this is just, uber weird)

Which reminds me.....I haven't checked in on Vendetta recently.

Go on, explore Bitey Castle, you'll be glad you did.

I will have you know - in my own defence - that prank flash movies have a well-established history on the net (and in my use). (No the link is not a prank, but takes you to a Wiki entry)

What would Halloween be without some good ghost stories?

The Raven - E.A. Poe - say no more?

Play the Ghost Motel

Type the words to make the ghosts go away in The Typing of the Ghosts.


Blogger Jess-Beast said...

What's the anime that the pic comes from- I know the previous post was Shigure from Fruits BAsket- but is that the creepy waves girl in Fruits Basket and a random other person???

Nice Hallowe'enie stuffs!!


11:16 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

It's from Fruits Basket as well. It's Hana and her little brother Megumi; you meet him in Volume 3 in the epidosde with Yuki's fan girls trying to ruin Tohru.

And thank you!! Yesterday was such a weird, random Halloween - must've been the paint fumes.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Laurel said...

the zombie thing was pretty odd.. was that in russian? i like when the dad sings about killing zombies.

12:13 PM  

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