Monday, November 07, 2005

taking care of business

I accomplished nothing this weekend. What a nice change! Vacation has officially started, and so far I have just a few things I need to do, but that's ok. They're the fun parts! I get to put the program for Under Milk Wood together, and send out a mailing for Wicked, I have rehearsal tonight, all things fun!

So, what the's the problem with McDonald's, General Electric, Nestle, The Gap? Lots.

Where did all the time go?

Gee, now I'm inspired to go and get my daughter another American Girl doll! Why they should choose to focus on one narrow-minded, extremist, and so specific a reaction is, well, typical of American media. It's so much easier to show outrage than to show myself and others like me that support this act by the American Girl company.

And because I'm still working on my novel...a series of actually helpful and interesting articles on writing from the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writers of America.

I guess it's time for PETA to get some competition.

The worst superhero costumes of all time.

I've decided common sense is anything but common (else I'd see more people using it - myself included), instead I shall now refer to it as "good sense". So, here is a listing of some good sense.

Remember when we used to hang out at my desk and watch movie trailers. Good times. Good times....

Just because I found it amusing: Man enough to knit, strong enough to purl.

What I'm Reading: Catching up on a few Shojo Beats that I've had waiting for me. Fruits Basket Volume 6 - (the one with Momiji on the cover) loveitloveitloveit! Down the Rabbit Hole, which turned out to be a fun, juvenile mystery.

What I'm Watching: I enjoy good horror - an interesting story, characters I can care about - or not, as the case may be, some effects but not totally reliant on effects. And not so much gore as to render the show completely stupid - I mean a little is fine, but, really, slasher flicks hold little interest for me. So, this weekend I saw a newer J-Horror and an indie piece. First the indie: Boo! The title was stupid, the premise was well-worn (kids decide to skip the planned haunted houses on halloween and instead go to the abandoned hospital that has rumors of being haunted just to find out, whoa, this place is haunted), the dialogue was stilted for the most part. Surprisingly the characters, although cardboard stock cut-outs, did develop a bit, at least the interesting few (about half), and the twist in the ghost story (who was doing the haunting and why) was rather interesting. Unfortunately, the movie took a few easy, standard-horror-movie-fare, plot directions that cheapened the whole thing. Overall, it wasn't too bad for what it was.

The other movie was a newer entry to the J-Horror genre, Premonition. This movie was fascinating on many levels. The story is that of a young father who sees newspaper articles that foretell death and doom, and is, in fact, based on a 30 yeard old manga "Newspaper of Terror". A quieter horror movie, well except for some mild histrionics, and a departure from the logical horror movie in favor of a more fantastical, emotional structure, Premonition is a worthy addition to the genre.


Blogger Myles said...

Alright, I've gotten into the writing gig. The articles look really good. I bookmarked them for future referance.

It's been awhile since I've seen a really good horror movie. I'm so angry about the new junk that Rob Zombie toted out. Damn he makes me mad.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

You say you didn't do anything this weekend...i asume you were working on your novel...and that is something!!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

When you put it like that, Leah, you're right!

Speaking of novel-writing - YAY, Myles!!

I'm used to being disappointed with horror movies, but when something decent comes along it's worth it to point it out. I find horror fascinating to watch, just to see what's going on culturally. But, yeah, you're right Zombie's offerings have been less than interesting.

12:47 PM  

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