Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Crowley, An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards

Have we ever had a Thanksgiving that wasn't plauged with "weather woes"? I mean, really, people (at least some of you...) we live in Vermont, which is, I believe synonymous with "weather woes". Regardless, I really don't care about the weather (for myself anyway) except for Friday when it better be gorgeous and clear for our trip to see Harry Potter on IMAX.

So, tomorrow there will be no school. However, the library will be open until 5, so what the heck, I made calls and said "how about a D&D day?" We'll see who shows up. And point and laugh - NO, I'm kidding!! Really! Tsk, how could you think I could mean that? ...point and laugh....like I would! All stupid one-sided conversations aside, yes, D&D day Wednesday. And glass painting a Thanksgiving centerpiece (votive candle holder) at 3:00.

The Vagina Monologue auditions are over and I've got a show!!! Altogether I've got about 33 women cast - YAYAYAYA!!!! Everyone that auditioned was pretty good - I mean, some were amazing, some were great, and some were better than others, but overall, what an amazing turnout of women! The plan now is I'm going to do a "tentative casting", do one call back to have a read-through and see how it goes, and then hopefully have it cast. Then just background work until January (we purposely scheduled it to skip any major production during the holidays).

A couple of fun things I've found:

This is very cool - I had a tangram thing behind the desk but one piece went missing, and, well, you can't do a tangram with a missing piece.

I so want to see this British comedy!!

Apparently, in their spare time some geeks devise clever chipmunk traps.

A classic! A short, brilliant toon for those who think Italy might be just like Europe, from Bruno Bozzetto: Europe vs. Italy.

Speaking of classics......try this.

What I'm Reading:

I have been working on a "storytelling" collection at the library for all the literature students suddenly appearing as well as the sudden interest in them. And they are really interesting! The one that I'm reading now is called "Once Upon a Galaxy". See, many of the stories, fantasy and sci-fi, that we enjoy are derived from archetypes found in mythology, folklore, and legend. This book chronicles some of those iconic archetypes in one collection that is broken up by the archetypes they represent: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Star Trek, for example. Very, very cool collection.

Good Omens....Yeah, so, I'm reading it AGAIN....and, so what if I finally bought my own copy. I just love this book. It's another one of those hilarious, brilliantly clever gems that I wish I'd written.

What I'm watching:

Well, for anime Hannah got her wish and we watched Yami no Matsuei and then they got to watch the first few episodes of Neia Under 7. The series is rather interesting. Full of the bishies that the girls so love to watch, the story revolves around almost a noir Shinigami plot.

I haven't really had time to watch or read much.

So, Happy Thanksgiving!! I don't know if I'll be posting much until next week - hopefully I'll run into a few of you during break.


Blogger Mary said...

Sorry I didn't go to the D&D thing on wednesday, someone was coming over to my house, and it was just one o those days where you you just wanna stay @ home, even though I was at the high school, but it was for drama club, and it wasn't very exciting.

Anyway i hav to go no.


6:48 PM  
Blogger Laurel said...

sam!! i didn't read your blog until today! i wasn't doing anything on wednesday either. owell. i hope you had fun!

10:28 PM  
Blogger Me said...

I wanted to come but was at that time still infectious to the general population and didn't think that anyone would apreciate catching my cold.

see you arround.

11:38 AM  

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