Friday, December 16, 2005

into the light

Man, what a week. My senior year in high school I was plagued with headaches, nothing like what I've experienced since last week - also none with the bizarre face swelling - at various times over the past week I've looked like I've had massive head trauma, at least judging by the eggs on my skull - but no, not at all, it was just random swelling. OOOOWWWWW!!! Anyway, a trip to the doctor's a few days ago, some helpful medicines, and today I am leaving the house. I still have the headache, but the swelling is gone and the headache is SO much better.

And what am I leaving the house to find right now?

Why, yes, as a matter of fact, that is the view from my front door. There is no school today, and I am debating whether or not to cancel D&D tonight as well. (It's been about a month off for my group); it's not supposed to end till around 4 - and it'll be dark. I'll see, if Devik closes the library, then I'll take that as my cue to cancel D&D.

Okay, it's time once again for me to pull out my little soapbox:
One Good Move
You know, the scary thing about this is that they do it in the same voice and music style as the Second Renaissance in the Animatrix. Creeeeeeepy

Ok, enough of that. I did find something rather cool - free audio books that you can legally download and listen to.

Have you heard this one: Stephen King murdered John Lennon. Oh....tears are streaming from my eyes laughing at this one...wait, what do you mean? Your're serious? *laughs harder*

Just a fun little juggling game.

I guess that's it. I've neither read nor watched anything all week. I have, however, slept....I mean slept ungodly amounts of sleep.


Blogger Laurel said...

i liked the one good move clip but what is the thing college students don't believe?

6:30 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Having not heard the previous comments, I can't be positive but I'm guessing that it has something to do with the fact that the administration's foreign policy is based on fear - it needs people to be afraid to continue supporting it. Instead college students in general are more afraid (and rightly so, if I may editorialize here) of this foreign policy than of the people and places we're fighting - especially in light of all the untruths that were used to argue for the war (those untruths that were supposed to create so much fear in America that we would do things like buy into the ridiculous color-coded warning system and support the Patriot Act and ends to certain Consitutional freedoms). So, I think what he's saying is that not everyone believes that this war is necessary or a good idea. However, this is also my opinion - as always, think for yourself. :0)

8:25 AM  

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