Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And we'll have fun fun fun

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Ah, well, just saying "hi!" and posting some fun things now while I'm on break at the computer.

A brilliant toon from Mark Fiore: While you Were Sleeping.

No, no, I don't want to leave those of you with more sophomoric tastes out.

Wait...what do you mean I should switch to Mac? Why would I want to do that?

The care and feeding of introverts. Speaking of which, why not take this completely unscientific quiz and find out where you might fit.

Apparently, I'm iNtp:
  • slightly expressed introvert
  • distinctively expressed intuitive personality
  • slightly expressed thinking personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
Right, I'm shocked too.

Finally, honor has been restored to the phrase "touched by his noodly appendage" combined with a religious context. No longer the realm of courtroom testimony, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has taken the land by storm converting worshippers to Pastafarianism like wildfire. Now you can live the experience of touching your noodly appendage free from fear of restraining order. Only the tedious reptetive music will stand in your way. Bonus: Touching the people turns them into pirates.

I love articles on the Straight Dope, like this one:

Dear Cecil:

With shows like Lost and Gilligan's Island, movies like Cast Away and Swiss Family Robinson, and books like Robinson Crusoe, I've been wondering: Are there documented cases of a person or persons being shipwrecked on an uncharted, deserted isle and surviving for some length of time only to be rescued later? Are there a lot of large, uninhabited islands in the South Pacific that could sustain a person indefinitely? --D.G., Dallas, TX

Cecil replies:

As usual, D., first we have to straighten out your question. The answer to the one you asked is none too surprising: Yeah, lots of folks have survived shipwrecks, and some spent time on deserted islands in the process. To cite a well-known example, U.S. Navy lieutenant John F. Kennedy and the crew of PT-109 were rescued after several days on an island following the destruction of their boat in a nighttime collision with a Japanese warship in 1943.

But that's not what you're after. What you want to know is whether you can survive the classic Robinson Crusoe scenario, to my mind depicted in purest form in the Tom Hanks movie Cast Away (2000), which features a (1) solitary (2) product of civilization who is (3) unexpectedly marooned on (4) a deserted island for (5) a year or more with (6) only such resources as you'd reasonably expect to find, i.e., naturally occurring food, water, and so on plus a modicum of junk washing up on the beach. Want the answer?

NASA faked the moon landing?!?

Cool!! Now that I know about this I can finally find out what that mulit-legged, uber-pinschered, several inches long buggy that I catch glimpses of in the bathroom is. *shiver*

Spam sucks.

Click on the link at the bottom to watch More. You'll be glad you did.


Blogger Leah said...

We had to write interseting sentences in French with which to practice using pronouns, fun...we created one sentence (before exchanging for pronouns that involved the flying spagetti monter, but we called it a beast becuase we didnot know the word for monster: Je vois la bete de spagetti volante.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Laurel said...

i thought there was something wrong with that "nasa" picture from the beginning!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Me said...

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

* slightly expressed introvert(22)
* slightly expressed intuitive personality(12)
* moderately expressed feeling personality(38)
* slightly expressed judging personality(11)

the numbers are all % and I dont think it matches my personality very well.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Me said...

holy crap I watched that More, thing it was very interesting

8:00 PM  

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