Thursday, February 09, 2006

Why hello, Thursday.

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You should visit Somniloquism - you'll be glad you did as Joel Esler is brilliant.

Next Saturday is the show!! I'd probably be a lot more nervous if I didn't have such an amazing cast - I'm feeling quite confident and excited about the upcoming show. C'mon, you know the one I'm talking about...the "V" one. Actually, one of the actresses told us last night that several of the posters she had put up had been taken down - not replaced with something else, just taken down. If this is all the resistance we're going to face than I am perfectly happy with that! Apparently it's the productions being done on the Catholic College campuses that are facing the most organized resistance to V-Day events (which is not suprising).

Otherwise, it's all pretty darn good right now.

Alright, Bill Nye - way to go, congratulations!

Welcome to HomestarRunner
- how did I manage to miss this one till now?

With a name like Improbable Research it has got to be good.

Oh the possibilities...

Cute, real cute. Actually, geeks do make the best mates, in my opinion.

The various stains you see on the ground are actually pieces of this kid's face and internal fluids. However, this neat little moving picture is clever enough in its own potentially painful way.


Blogger Leah said...

That peice about geeks is very cute!!!!

As I go to a women's college I haven't seen many Geeks recently...are nerds the same thing? ...we actually have a "drunk nerd and his pet monkey" (as I say it) in our livingroom...the nerd is floating upside down...the three of them are those things which expand in water...we have a Parsons House Zoo now!!

1:52 PM  
Blogger Jess-Beast said...


Nerd ranks below Geeks in the Geek Heirarchy. Of course there is the classification of seperate geeks as well: History, Roleplaying, Movie. Nerd can have similar classifications, but Nerds tend to be even more antisocial and more calculator oriented.

Don't even get me started on DORK!

1:57 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Nerds have math skills.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

I think that history part was added for my benefit, thank you.

I LOVE Homestarrunner, you can spend hours just with the menu page. I love it, especially Strongbad, Strongsad and the king and his poopsmith.

4:31 PM  

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