A wee bit of 'Hi!'

All in all, I still really love my library and the community it serves.
And HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEWS!! A pair of tickets to Spamalot in Boston on Friday just happened to be put my way. So, it looks like I'm going to get to see it again!! Yes!
So, that's about it for right now. I ended up waking up with Jeremy's alarm, so here it is, 6 am and I'm wide awake. (This sucks!) Today should be interesting in its own bleary, constantly yawning, fatigued kind of way.
Oh yeah, the drive home went smoothly, no lost moments there. Jay had a great idea for me to look up directions home from the library rather than the hotel; that was a smart idea.
Later that morning....
I'm in the mood to be entertained and not do something and it's too early to go to work. So, what the heck, I'm going to post some of my favorite videos that I'm finding around and about.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - oh happy rendering
Dance, Napoleon, Dance!
I know that there has got to be something clever and brief to say about this, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out right now.
Soccer and Monty Python's "Always look on the Bright Side of life" - brilliant.
It's no secret that I love a good parody. Way to go, James Blunt. I am abosolutey annoyed by the song it parodies anyway.
A crazy computer bug. I apologize in advance.
Summer of '69, you know I still thought that was hilarious how you all knew the words too.
Frank Caliendo impressions.
Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabma. You'd think that would be the punchline.
haha, awesome links. I'll have to investigate them later. I've been procrastinating too much on borrowed time.
I forgot all about the library sale until that night, and my exclamation made my parents stare at me. Is there D+D going on this weekend? I'll be home for Easter.
Yes, as a matter of fact there will be D&D and since I will be in Boston enjoying Spamalot (again!!) you should come anyway. Jay is running my game and he needs someone to give him a hard time - but not the random hard time the regulars will give him, no, I mean "advanced hard time". Plus it appears that Courtney has resurfaced from his fall off the side of the earth and will be here on Friday.
*seething jealousy for Myles*
What does the German in Ken's picture say?
I love The Lion Sleeps Tonight and Summer of '69 so I enjoyed those vidoes!!!
As you probably already know, I couldnt make it. Once I got home I was stuck and my mom had potato salad...I might have to give back my gaming license :(
i went... mary split open her heal trying to be like athelbert and jumping over the couch. (it was funny till she started to bleed) and Jay killed no one I was impressed.
it was interesting to say the least.
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