Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why, yes, it is all good. Thanks for asking.

Everything is pretty darn peachy right now. Kind of glad I don't had more angst to share, but nope, everything is sunshine, happiness, with a 3% chance of doom coming in from the Northwest.

Actually, there was a fire downtown today. I haven't heard much about it, but what I did find out was that it was at the paper mill by Our Place. I stepped outside of the library around noon and it was all smoke hovering over downtown. I really do hope that we get that rain that's being predicted for this weekend because we need it (there have been a few brush fires and yards set on fire by smoldering cigarette butts already). I don't really know much about the fire today though, I hope that there will be info in the Reformer tomorrow.

Otherwise, I haven't really stuck my head out much this week. It's been April vacation in town which means massive, massive programming. I was doing my evaluation today (because tomorrow isn't really any special programming and I can get most of it done then and add up the rest tomorrow), and by the end of tomorrow I will have had just about 430 people at the programs this week. Oooof! Now I know why I feel so tired. But I'm also a bit wired, hence the post-before-bed.

I did indeed hear about Jay leading the group. I did ask him to make an effort not to kill any characters and I'm pleased that he managed to do that. I just saw Mary's foot on Wednesday - OUCH!! That's gross. She did assure me that it was not an injury anyone could get from using the couch as intended, and required standing on parts that typically aren't stood upon. So, yeah, the lesson here is: don't stand on the couch! Also, don't get in front of Hannah when she is going after Kyle (I'm sure she had a good reason). Poor Ross did and had a shiner to show for it. I was in Albany at the time.

What Flavour Are You? I am Vanilla Flavoured.I am Vanilla Flavoured.

I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. What Flavour Are You?

You don't say... You know, I see these little personality things everywhere, so I thought for fun I would take one and post it. So, there you are. Posted. Consider yourself informed?

We made real onigiri last Monday at Japanese Culture Club. I don't know if you of you Fruits Basket fans have ever had a real pickled plum. It sure sounds nice, doesn't it? The plum part is misleading. When you see it, even the color looks nice and friendly - a soft, gentle purplish, fruity color. Granted, seeing as how they're "pickled" they are also vaguely mini-brain shaped. Their taste, though.... For those of you who have heard characters like Tohru Honda proclaim the pickled plum to be something special, this may come as a surprise. But the taste of pickled plum, omeboshi, is akin to a purplish colored, mini-brain shaped, giant olive, rolled in sea salt with dabs of nail polish remover. Sure, there is a vaguely fruity taste.......somewhere. I'm assuming it's an acquired taste. I have not acquired it. So, while our salmon onigiri was a hit, we basically just dared each other to eat the pickled plums. For future reference: this is a food that Courtney D. will not eat. He tried it. We laughed at the faces he made.

So THIS is how I could become a republican - you have to admit, it's pretty practical. Yeah, I know, republicans are not this simplistic or so clearly evil. I just think it's funny. Speaking of which...Andy Dick as Dubya's speech writer.

Mortal Kombat meets the boardroom. Huh.

I find this little Firefox promo so darn amusing. Yes I do, because it is. It is funny, it is brief. It makes fun of that computer resource whore, Internet Explorer.

Thanks to Kyle for sharing this brilliant little easter-flavored film. We watched it at the desk and came to the conclusion that it was likely Nick in a bunny suit. Or would be, if he had a bunny suit. But he doesn't. So, he's relegated to dreaming about doing this in a bunny suit. Scary, Nick, scary.

So, who do you think this will be in 30 years?

What I'm reading:

Killing Britney. This quick, creepy YA suspense-filled novel totally snagged my interest. Looking for a quick, dark book with a twist like a hook to the gut? This is it.

Marvels - Now the first thing to love about this graphic novel is that Alex Ross is the illustrator. I LOVE his work. It's so pretty and easy to look at. This book is just beautiful on a visual level. I like this retelling of the Marvel world through the eyes of the mundane every-folk that happened to "live" to see it.

Blankets - I just got this one into the library and I think it will do well. It's another of the graphic novel for older, older YAs and some adults - a coming of age type of thing. It's also a nominated title for the Green Mountain Young Adult Book Award for 2006-2007. The art, the pacing, the story, it's deep, it's interesting, it's well done. This isn't exactly a light read. It is rewarding, the character development is spectacular and the book's ability to convey some of the more intangible themes of growth, adult yearnings through adolescence, loss - a whole spectrum of poignant experiences - is utterly brilliant.

What I'm watching:
Not much. I've been watching Robot Chicken. For those of you who haven't seen it, here is a super sped-up version of "Kill Bunny", an excerpt from Robot Chicken. Yes, that is Jesus.

Otherwise I haven't had much time to watch tv or movies (still cable-less and loving it).


Blogger Me said...

I taste like Beef.

I taste like beef. I'm probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn't mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest.

(If you were not Beef you would be Alcohol.)


12:59 AM  
Blogger Leah said...

I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking.

(If you were not Bread you would be Tea.)

4:54 PM  

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