Friday, May 19, 2006

Who likes the rain?

That's about enough of that, thank you. Ok, stop now. Really. Argh! Fine....I'll go get my umbrella.

Let's's been pretty random lately. I finally got my library computer back with a new fan to keep it running. So, that's been good.

Tonight will be the first night of "Changeling", the new game that our guest GM is leading for my group. It's actually "DM's" game tonight, but since we're not meeting next week ('we' = my group), we can meet this week and it will be fun and quiet(er). In a strange twist, last week my group focused as we made the character sheets, and a nearby group (who shall remane unamed...) turned loud and obnoxious. See, loud I don't mind, obnoxious bugs me. :)

The Producers is out on DVD now! We watched it a couple of days ago, and it was fun! Fun! Richard Kind's cameo was very funny, I had to stop the film and explain to Allegra what was great about it. She loved it (and sang along very quietly).

Speaking of Allegra singing...she's signed up for chorus next year. Yay!! She's also signed up for band, which turned into this huge stressful thing for her when asked what instrument to play. So, I talked about the various instruments with her, then we listened to some music that featured them to hear their sound, finally she got to try out my old saxophone (I did not feel like digging out el trumpet or flute at the time, so she didn't get to try those out). I'm just kind of distancing myself from this choice because I'm afraid she's going to try and choose something to make me happy and I don't want to see that happen. Besides I know that's like, growing up with a Dad who was a professional musician and intimidating to practice around and Mom who was determined to prove that my sister and I had inherited his musical talents who shoved us into every single musical thing so that she could have a little spotlight splash....yeah, so, I'm letting Allegra lead this one. Which reminds me....I was supposed to drag out the bass recorder so she could see what that was like (after a few months of recorder experience in school she's pretty sure she's an expert on recorder).

Fun AND random:

I love hamsters.

Oh, how I love this Lord of the Rings spoof and wish it were longer.

What I've read lately: I can't believe I haven't done this for a while. I've certainly read more than enough stuff to fill it out. Oh yeah, that's why...I'm out of time, so nevermind, I promise a longer book report later.


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