Thursday, April 26, 2007

Golden Compass movie

Edit: btw, as people fill out the "does my match meet me" thing, you're Daemon will change!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Survey time

The library is thinking about reschoombling it's hours again - this is important! Imagine having to move anime to a new night because the library is closed on Mondays?? Yup, it could happen. So, click the link, take a few minutes, and tell us what you think:

Relevant survey linkage

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Random Tuesday, ftw!

Ok, so here it is now Tuesday lunchtime at home on a horrid spring break week and the World of Warcraft servers are down.

Tomorrow I'm giving a tech presentation about libraries for town officers (library trustees) in Fairlee - that should be fun as soon as I finish stressing about whether or not I took the info waaaay over their head....darn, I need to find the happy medium - enough explaining for the new ones without being boring for those that are following along.

AnimeBoston plans have changed a bit. We're not going for the whole weekend, instead, Jay, Ali, and I are just going up for Saturday - we're taking Nina and Sam with us. Caitlyn opted out (bummer), and Hannah found alternate weekend plans. So, it's all good. The big deal this year is seeing Sierra; she has got a table in Artists' Alley!!! I'll post lots of pics :D

Oh yeah, I also got my hands on the Death Note movie (parts 1 and 2) - they are awesome!

I took the embedded player out because it was obnoxious, but go ahead and click the link to see Will Ferrel in The Landlord.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Re: Sam, you slacker....

Ok, ok, I keep meaning to get over here and post some updates and a quickie check-in and whatnot, now I will! I will not move until this post is finished (more or less).

The Wizard of Oz - what an awesome job they all did!! Mary was the perfect Dorothy - sang beautifully, acted superbly, and just really shone up on stage! I never realized that the Wicked Witch part had so many great lines until I saw and heard Mike up there; there was a total Monty Python moment when he first came out - he was just hilarious and made the character rock. Allegra had the best time ever as a munchkin,poppy, cricket, and winky and she and the other kids were adorable and clearly having a lot of fun. Anyway, the show was a blast! By attendance records it was also wildly successful - I'm proud of all them.

Allegra then caught the plague from the high school and brought it home so that after the show she was incredibly ill.

Blades of Glory is a funny, funny movie:

We just got the car fixed a few months ago. It had started making this weird squealy noise so that no matter what speed, time, or temperature Jay took off in, it sounded as if he was always peeling out. Since he leaves at 6:00 in the morning, I think the neighbors appreciated it.

My new favorite Happy Song! This is worth watching for the disco scene at the end (Kawaii!!):

Everything at the library is awesome!!! The new director, Tracy, has things moving in a really positive direction and the new staff adds are just the best. It's going to be a whole new and vastly improved library when some of you get back for summer break. It is true, Jay and I are taking a D&D break for a few months - it'll start up again during the summer reading program. We both needed some Friday nights back for a little while to stave off extreme burn-out.

Ok, check out this game: Cruel 2 B Kind A game of benevolent assassination. I'm working out the details now - just know that I'm going to be running this at least once as a library program. I think it would be the best to do it out on the island during Old Home Day weekend!

Myspace for Book Nerds!!
It exists, here's mine: Catalog and then my profile. So, create one and then let me add you to the new Rockingham Free Public Library group and I can see what you guys are reading for my own potential reads and for library purchases. Right now the library staff are working on profiles and such, soon though I want to start adding patrons and getting this used - it's just too cool not to!

The theater company (now the Greater Falls Theater Company since we're no longer the "Front Porch Theater Company") updates: we had a karaoke night at Boccelli's that was fun as soon as the internet started working again so we could use Singshot like we had planned. The big success though was a comedy night held not too long ago at Boccelli's - we packed the house and it was apparently a blast (because of comedian and location scheduling it had to be held the same Saturday night as Oz, so I didn't go to the comedy thing). Soon enough we'll be doing it again!

Animeboston is coming!!! Woot - we're not doing an official anime club thing, well, ok, yes we are, but it's looking like it's just me and Hannah, Caitlyn, and Ninane going which is good because we still have some funds to put together >.< and fewer is cheaper. I joke that I'm going to cosplay as Yomiko Readman when, let's face, I'm still so very Miss Yukari Tanizaki. And we've found new animes! If you haven't watched/read Kino no Tabi (Kino's Journey) then, well, I dunno what, but you should do something bad because you're missing just an awesome anime. I just made the club watch Scrapped Princess and they thanked me - funny and interesting. Nermia Daikon Brothers - it's an anime musical and it's seriously ecchi and quite funny.

Finally (for this update), yes, I'm still an uber-leet-warlock-world of warcraft-geek. Enjoy: The Brothers Tauren