Thursday, February 07, 2008

Math Curse

First, Jess, I'm loving the updates! It sounds like this program is working out fantastically; keep posting pics and stories.

I've also got a Jess-worthy quote from Hannah for you. Once she explained it the quote made sense (as so much of Hannah's quotes do), but still.....

Watching Gandhi makes me want to beat people up. ~Hannah

What she meant was that watching the suffering they went through and not fighting back made her want to fight for them, but her particular phrasing - not to mention the completely out-of-context way she presented it made a fabulous quote.

Thought I'd drop in and leave a brief note. I've got a lot of projects and things to work on, so I'm letting my brain mull those over while I post here. To the untrained eye it may look like goofing off >_>.

So, library stuffs....

Tracy resigned so we'll be doing another director search soon. It's all good actually. While I'm sorry to see him leaving, I still think he was the best director for the library during this time. Plus seeing as how it's all new staff (except for me) the library is in the healthiest position it's been in since I've worked here. All in all, it'll be fine.

March will see us running a 5-week graphic novel series. I'll post more later, but we are in the negotiation process of bringing a really cool speaker here.

If you haven't heard yet, I am in fact running for the 2-year seat on the Rockingham School Board. After attending this past school board meeting and protesting the proposed cuts I decided to take my complaining and good ideas about how these schools could be run and contribute. It's kind of weird to think of campaigning for myself. I think I'd be a good fit though. There are some amazingly talented individuals on the board now that can see numbers and move numbers and make budgets add up right; I just think they need balance. They need someone to bring up education and work on involving the community. I don't think this is a school community afraid of budget cuts, so much as a community that wants to understand where they're coming from and know that they are reasonable cuts. That there is no foreign language, shop, home ec, computer, or everyday gym (since there is no outside/unstructured time) at the middle school, is ridiculous (not to mention the middle school facility is a brick oven waiting to happen - but that's a whole other issue). There is no room for an us against them stance; the board knows bottom lines, the community has it's priorities, and the educators understand what needs to be funded to provide for the students to offer a full curriculum with exciting and engaging programs. The three need to come together and I think that's my biggest strength - my role in the community, understanding of education, and ability to play well with others.

Time to take off from this thing and focus. I'll have to post some book reviews next time.


Blogger Jess-Beast said...

First: Bwahahahahaha on Ghandi (I've had several worthy quotes thus far on this trip-- you can see them up right now). Second: I read this post ages ago, but got distracted from replying-- BAD JESSICA! Third: So, uh, Terry Pratchet was in Bath last Saturday, not too blocks from me-- and I didn't know until he had left. Sadness. But-- I was never the less closer to him. Fourth: How's campaigning going? Do you still have Joe as a running mate (I know that was the projected partner when I left)?

Hope all is well! Update with how it's all flowing.

Loves and Bubbles,

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

7:04 AM  
Blogger Zaeron said...

Sam, it's Kyle! I'm home,but the library is closed and I don't remember Jay's cell number. This is the only way I can find to contact you ><

Narnia's playing tonight and I'd love to try to get some of the old gang together to watch it, so... hopefully you'll get this and give Jay my number? 802-376-9952.

2:19 PM  

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