Saturday, May 19, 2007

Officially Vermont

Spring! Yes, it's here - I could say 'finally', but that might jinx things, so let's no go crazy here.

First off - it's official, I'm now a fully certified *Vermont* librarian (as opposed to whatever I was before, but meh, it's all good). It's all part of the continuing education thing for Vermont Librarians, a program through the UVM extension program. Anyway, the funny thing about all my credits is the number of "learning" credits I received for the workshops I was involved in that I was actually presenting/teaching. Regardless it's all works out, and at this past week's VLA conference I got the award and now it's all done, and I'll continue teaching and presenting. VLA was great fun; Paige and I stayed in Burlington overnight, had a nice dinner at Smokejack's on Church Street (which made up for the horrid food at the conference and the lousy restaurant at the hotel).

Now that a bunch of you are coming home from college prepare yourselves for change!! I am now the senior librarian on staff (how weird is that?!?); and the new staff is just fabulous! Seriously, I really like all the people that I work with now; and the level of collaboration and everything is a refreshing change! And this summer I get to have an awesome assistant (yay, Leah!). Plus - and this is so cool - we just had painting done downstairs - we still have the whole moving thing with the shelves and furniture, so there is more, but the big wall (the movie wall all the way down to the hallway entrance) is my shade of purple! XD It is awesome. Summer reading stuff will be starting up soon - along with D&D, the last Friday in June. I'm trying to connect with Landmark college for more DMs, hopefully that will be in place by then.

Tonight was, for once, a total no-stress theater thing for me. After the success of the first comedy night at Boccelli's (which I missed because I was watching Allegra in the Wizard of Oz at the high school) we planned a second. It just happened earlier this evening and it was another smashing success with a sold-out house and brilliant local comics. The thing about having friends doing the stand-up part is that it is very important that they not suck. Seriously, having a friend up there and being able to enjoy them being brilliant is the best - otherwise, it's just weird and awkward. Tonight I was able to show up, do the box office, watch the show, laugh my ass off, have a few drinks, and go home. My friends Jeanie and Larisa were just fabulous and really did most of the work! Oh yeah, I guess I did do the graphic design ahead of time, and helped with the auditions, ok, but tonight, I just showed up and had fun.

A couple of cool things I'm reading:

Chuck Palahniuk has a new book!! Rant - absolutely hilarious, completely disgusting, and surprisingly horrific; i.e. great fun.

Did you know that there is a graphic novel version of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere?? Yeah, guess who put it in the collection as soon as she found out. XD

That's about it, my energy for this post has run out. I look forward to seeing several of you as you come home in the near future.

On a final note: Save bunny, or else you're crying yourself to sleep tonight.


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