Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You know you want it

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Download the celebtastic mp3 of "Soramimi Cake" - the opening to Azumanga Diaoh (didn't direct-link to the download, you'll find it on the page though). While you're at it, why not pick up the happiness of "Raspberry Heaven" - the ending song to Azumanga Daioh.

Always up for a little useless geek-trivia I now present for the first (and quite possibly last) time:

Geek tips (insert trumpets' resounding call here)

what a THAC0 is

THAC0 is an acronym for "To Hit Armor Class 0" from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Lower THAC0 is better! THAC0 is the MINIMUM roll you need to be able to hit an enemy with an armor class (AC) of 0 ( yes, lower armor class is also better as discussed above ). You must score a hit before you can do any damage! When you attack an enemy, you SUBTRACT his AC from your THAC0 and the result is the minimum number you have to roll (on a 20-sided die) to be able to score a hit.

What I'm reading: The Traveler (Do not believe the hype - this one should have skipped book form and gone straight to movie - massive suckage. One should give a wide birth to anything promoted in such blatant hyperbolic terms. .....and I expected to like this one.)

What I'm watching: Revolutionary Girl Utena

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hold up!

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And will present at least one reasonably coherent post about what's happened in BF recently.

First, the library {dramatic music here}: well, now that three of the stupid, problematic, ready-to-be-kicked-by-yours-truly-but-surprisingly-haven't Gates computers have stopped working completely we're getting three new computers. And the library is going to be a wireless hotspot (if all goes well, I'll be installing the wireless system next week - WOOT! Just waiting for board approval) Of course, the death of the computers was expected; they are going into 6 years of use exclusively by the Public (and despite what Public thinks, it does not know how to use a computer). Windows Operating Systems....as stable as a troubled child on crack.

Anime has moved to Monday and you missed my free-for-all giveaway last week (a bunch of the DVDs, old Newtypes, some manga I had on hand, posters, artwork) - but don't fret, I saved you a DBZ button. {hehehehehe} We watched Fruits Basket - tis better than the manga; it's way funnier. Good news though: since we got it through the Funimation thingie, it's now part of the permanent collection.

The library is lost without you. Our schedules are all over the place and as soon as school starts we hope to hire a few new interns to replace you and Myles. *sniff*

D&D makes me sad - a bit. I've got a new group. They're very different. But they are letting Allegra actually play a character. Speaking of Allegra - know how my hair is blue/purple? Her hair is pink (it fits - shocking, I'm sure).

March of the Penguins - we saw, we cried OMG DON'T EAT THE MOTHER!! Wildlife never listens.

Archie and Sheena brought Stormy by to show off his ability to sit on demand (when fed a small electric charge) *twitch* Ross talked about how Stormy has been chasing people that bike by his house, and said that perhaps they should just outfit the animal in an "I heart bikes" sweater. I suggested that, with a giant dog chasing them, the bikers may not get the joke.

Oh well, it's Saturday morning. I think this is about as reasonable a post as you'll get out of me right now. I'll keep checking in and seeing how it's all going.


What I'm reading: Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress
Beauty Tips from Moosejaw

What I'm watching: Sky High (don't judge - it's playing downtown)
The Oblongs (previewing before I show it for an anime...right...yeah......ok, fine it cracks me up)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still haven't found what I'm looking for

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The "Spokesbunny" answers the burning questions this morning.

And now, Homestarrunner and the yella

This is your brain on Foamy.

What I'm Reading: Deliver Us From Normal
The Sledding Hill

What I'm Watching: Fruits Basket
Azumanga Diaoh (Volume 5: Seniors)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

World Tour

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Why do ducks have webbed feet?
To stamp out burning bushes.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
To stamp out burning ducks.

What I'm Reading: Vampire Plagues
Something at the Window is Scratching

What I'm Watching: Sin City
Fruits Basket

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Say no more

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Whoa.....always knew that blue one was a bad egg.

What I'm reading: Gloomcookie

What I'm Watching (and recommend reading): Because of Winn-Dixie
...and Last Exile

What I'm doing: Knitting a "wizards" scarf - it's rather easy. First, find just the right shade of deep red and goldenrod (HA, fie on you copyright!), then cast on 40 stitches. Knit the first, slip the second and continue in that pattern all the way across. Then when you go back around knit the ones that you slipped previously and slip the ones you knit. In the end, you'll find that you've created a circular scarf, simply turn it inside-out (which will be right side out - you'll see what I mean), put on your tassels, and wa-lah! Simply fabulous!! (Much thanks to Jessica and Laurel for sharing that knitting technique)

And in other things I must say: congratulations to - far too many to name - all of you that are heading off to college or have slightly different plans, be it Wells, Castleton, Smith, Middlebury, Job Corp, Ithica, UNH, UVM, taking time off, "beauty school", your mother's couch, or something COMPLETELY different....anyway (nearly lost the plot there) have a fabulously smashing time, live, and all the rest of it. Don't forget to tell me about it when you visit. And most important....

James is rooting for you!!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Swinging from the trees

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The hilarious Librarian Action Figure gets her own diorama and more books to display....woot! I think I see a future addition to the top of my computer-top shrine of all things ME!

What I'm Reading: Stewie's Guide to World Domination - ah, he makes it look *so* easy, but believe you me, world domination cannot be accomplished in 12 easy steps.

GIrl Got Game - comedic situations abound or rebound - ha, that's a funny.

Amazingly enough, it is possible to capture that "oh, something scary is happening, and I can only see it wisp out of the corner of my eyes, I want my blankie" scariness that the movies capture. The Ring Volume O: Explains Nothing!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Don't think about it too much

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Finally, finally, finally the March of the Penguins comes to town!!

What I'm reading: American Elf by James Kochalka (although, if you're stuck downstairs you could read Peanutbutter & Jeremy's Best Book Ever)

What I'm watching: It's time for the Muppet Show YYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Magic Carpet Ride

The Maxx
Man, can't believe I forgot that MTV has been occasionally creative. Speaking of which...

It appears that Charlize Theron is willing to kick-off the Aeon Flux suck-fest. But, look, a pretty movie poster to distract you with......ooooooooohhhhhhh......
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Aw, who am I kidding, I'm going to see it anyway. Although what I've seen of the movie so far carries little more than a passing resemblance to the beautiful, exotic, violent, and sexy series I loved; hence, I expect this movie to blow.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Alright, everyone - together now, and....

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I think the words I'm looking for here are wtf ??!?! Ok, yeah, I get it - it wasn't that difficult, but it was painful. Very. Painful. Now, I'd like to borrow the box and hop back a few hours to reclaim the time that I wasted on this trite film and see another movie that relishes in non-linear storytelling, smaller budgets, the whole time/memory/paradox thing, and is ultimately superior in every way: Memento.

WOOT!! One of the best young adult books to come out in a while might be getting a feature film treatment....from the director of the O.C....oh...enthusiasm fading......

Friday, August 05, 2005

Stuck on idle

No actor is better than Bill Murray as doing nothing at all, and being fascinating while not doing it.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's a Jump to the Left

Christmas comes early when those cuddly bunnies put on their best teddies and fishnet stockings for the Rocky Horor Picture Show in 30 seconds Reenacted by Bunnies
30 second Bunnies

Meanwhile, I finally saw the NBC-revised end-of-the-world in under 10 hours "Revelations".

With everything coming straight to DVD these days the question must be asked: why keep cable? We tossed ours last spring and our IQ has skyrocketed while our tolerance for general stupidity had plummeted.

Things to read: Tales of the Otori - historical Japanese goodness

Monday, August 01, 2005

Collective Genius

Ever looked at something and decided "Hey, I could do that"? Maybe not better, or even more interestingly, but, man, I can do that.

So, here I am.

Doing it.

The Oompa-Loompa genius behind the tall hat Tim Burton

doom, dooM, DOOMY-DOOM Johnen Vasquez

Still spreading the warm fuzzies after all these years Roman Dirge

Alright, now that a little of that is out of my way I can stop with the senseless links in a mini-sentance and get on to the more important things.

Or not.