Tuesday, November 07, 2006

OMG Sam dropped off the face of the planet!!!!

But only for a little while. Really. I forget how insane this time of year gets for me. I just looked back at last year's October/November posts and sure enough, there were a number of "thank gawd THAT'S over!" posts. There was a lot of stressing too, I guess I neglected to post those this year. Instead, this falls squarly into the *whew* area.

So, good news!! I have accepted the position of Vermont Chair to the New England Round Table of Children's (and Teens!) Librarians!. YAYAYAYA!!! This means great things to come like meetings! And conferences! And fun stuff! (running out of steam here - it's early and I'm on a peanut butter cup fueled posting). Anyway, I'm really excited about it all. Oh yeah, how I got the position wellllll, I gave a workshop/presentation on Tween Marketing and Your Library at the New England Library Assocation conference in Burlington a couple of weeks ago and the board, who was attending my thing, asked me afterwards.

Other things of library note: My group broke Jay. He was our DM and he tried really hard to kill us (hehehehehe), but when the "mystical Home Depot" showed up in our game, I knew he would never be the same. Now Daniel is our DM. He's doing well so far; he's learned several new vocabulary words (compliments of Hannah and Caitlyn o.0) , how to appease the pseudo-emo set (Sam ;P), and how to go with the flow and keep the game moving with the D&D ADHD group. We have a new kid in our group named Matt, who is the under-appreciated D&D talent among us - he knows the rules. When we found an island in Jay's game, he actually pooled our resources, sat down with the book, and made us a Keep (hence the Mystical Home Depot); we knew he was one of us when we first invited him to join us he sat down and spilled a soda.

OMG awesome things are happening at the library!!! Changes! CHANGES!! Things I've been wanting to see happen for, like, *ever* are finally being done! And the new books are excellent! I want to gush and explain but I have to go vote and so my gush time is limited.

Halloween was uber-fun! I went as Morgan Le Fay this year, to shake things up. Allegra was a Zombie Cheerleader. Jay was Serial Killer (they look just like everyone else) - no one guessed his costume. We had a Hellsing night - finally - the Saturday before Halloween, parental permission only, and Hellsing fun was had by all.

Oh yeah! NaNoWriMo - if you haven't started writing, go! Now! Start! I'm not shooting for the whole word set, to be honest. With the way my schedule and life are going I'm shooting for about 200 words a day; if I'm on a roll great, but I need to set a realistic goal and not go on a word spree and burn out.

Anime that MUST BE WATCHED! Seriously, I've gotten a couple of titles that you just have to watch:

Kino no tabi (Kino's Journey)
- c'mon you can get this one on youtube and Netflix, there's no excuse. And it's short! Only 4 discs in total, and it's brilliant and beautiful. Ok, the last episode had nearly every single kidling in the anime club in tears (including yours truly), and, oh, it's just so good! Tokyopop just released the translated novel that inspired the anime and it's also spectacular! Reallly, make an effort to catch this one, it's worth it.

Jigoku Shoujo - I don't know where Hannah dug this gem up (and like any smart person, I didn't ask), but she did a good job for it is spectacular! I mean, truly, cool - the stories are interesting, the characters are fascinating. We're about halfway through the series in our screenings and we lovelovelove it! This one is on Youtube.

We watched the Pet Shop of Horrors anime; it's ok, but.....there were only 4 episodes and well, I don't know, I wanted more from the anime.

Ok, I've got to run now, so for fun, a few of my new favorite AMVs.

Office closed due to zombies

Ninja in the Night


Blogger Jess-Beast said...

Yay, Sam's not dead. In fact Sam is cooler than ever. I miss you! Things are going spectacularly not well here. Well only not well with Eliza- but that's enough not well to throw everything else off. Hope to see you sometime over the Thanksgiving break, and if not- see you in December1

Loves the Jess Monster

3:57 PM  
Blogger Myles said...

CONGRATS! That is awesome, I know I'm a week or *cough* two late in replying but its great to hear about what's going on with the Round Table! Recognition for the things you've been doing!

I did try nanowrimo again this year, but its been so hectic I've only gotten a little over a thousand, plus I got sidetracked when I found an old floppy disk with my old writing...anyway, happy thanksgiving!

1:50 AM  

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